
My experience of restoring a 1990 Premier Padmini Deluxe BE

As I pulled out of the owner's neighbourhood, all of a sudden the car started jerking and then perpetually stalling every 5 seconds.

BHPian BeemerBug_06 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I recently got hold of this 1990 Premier Padmini Deluxe BE for a friend of mine. Here is a little write-up about my experience of living with it so far.

I picked the car up on the 2nd of February from the owner's residence. My friend told me that it was a single-owner car and that the actual owner who is a Navy officer was busy overseas, so his neighbor would hand over the car to me. At first look, I was somewhat disappointed.

The car looked dull, neglected, and unkempt. It was parked under a tree with a thick blanket of dust covering it. The neighbor was an eccentric old man who was dancing around telling me that the car hasn't run in over two months and that he had doubts about whether it would start. A tad bit annoyed by then, I connected the battery and asked the old man to crank it. It sounded alright but didn't start. No fuel was coming to the carburetor. While the old man suggested I come back another day, I decided to use the age-old technique of risking myself and siphoning out some petrol through the main pipe. And with the next crank, she rose to life!

Since I often assist my mechanic when free, I've had my experiences of driving all sorts of problematic cars - cars with no brakes, stalling cars, overheating cars etc. and this experience was no different. In fact, it seemed to be a combination of all the problems and a test of my patience and skill.

As I pulled out of the neighborhood, the car began acting funny. All of a sudden it started jerking and then perpetually stalling every 5 seconds. It seemed as though only one brake cylinder at the front RHS wheel was working because it would violently pull to the right every time I braked. The carpets and matting were missing so that ensured the car turned into a sauna on wheels. However, I made sure to keep going and finally revved my way home. That was not exactly the best old car drive I have had!

Filling up at my neighborhood petrol pump on the delivery day because god knows how much fuel it had. The gauge wasn't working.

The disgusting grill

Besides the mechanical gremlins, the car had had a very poor quality overcoat done to it along with which NOT ONE of the electricals was working. Everything was just put in place, but nothing was connected. I drove it the first night without any lights!

My lord, I hated the cheaply painted black wheels and b pillars

Sent off to the mechanic's the following day itself

The oil-based air cleaner

Servicing the brakes and installing new cylinders. Turned out that all were jammed and that the car was stopping only due to one cylinder

The oil was in pathetic shape, the tappets were all messed up and the car had a terrible misfire as Cylinder number 3 had no spark. The original Solex carburettor too was in a bad state and the slow jet was clogged. No wonder she was stalling again and again.

This was fixed later in the day as I luckily managed to source new plugs and plug wires for it in record time!

Finally managed to get one of the lights working

A quick night test run

Continue reading BeemerBug_06's restoration experience for BHPian comments, insights and more information.

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