
Mumbai: Luxury car dealer dupes customers of Rs. 5 crore

According to a media report, Supercars in Santacruz - a luxury car dealership in Mumbai is accused of duping at least 13 customers of Rs. 5 crore through bogus sales. Sunil Bhatia, the proprietor of the dealership and the main accused in the case has been absconding since November 2017.

It has been reported that a resident of Andheri had paid Rs. 15 lakh in advance for an Audi Q5. The car was never delivered and Bhatia promised to return the money. But, he only gave a cheque of Rs. 1.3 lakh, which was not honoured. Similarly, a customer who was promised a used Audi and paid Rs. 19.5 lakh for it, never received the car. Another customer claims to have lost Rs. 60 lakh after Bhatia took his Volvo car and never gave the proceeds from the sale. Bhatia has reportedly cheated some of his investors and agents as well. 

Multiple FIRs have been registered against Bhatia at the Meghwadi, Santacruz and Kherwadi police stations. The police have issued a lookout circular against him. A cheque bouncing case is also pending against him in court. Given the possibility that Bhatia may have left the country, a request to issue a red corner notice against him has been submitted to the Mumbai Police Commissioner, CBI and the Prime Minister's Office.

Source: Mumbai Mirror

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