
MapmyIndia launches nation-wide digital address system - eLoc

MapmyIndia has launched a nation-wide digital address system called eLoc, which is aimed at making doorstep navigation easy and quick. eLoc is basically a 6 character code (ex: 8GDTYX) which stores all address information within. A search of this eLoc code on the MapmyIndia interface offers turn-by-turn navigation to the exact doorstep of the destination. The company claims that this digital address system will remove the need to provide multi-line addresses, which are often misspelt and/or have conflicting street and locality names.

MapmyIndia currently has generated over 2 crore eLocs across the country. Additionally, users can add new eLoc addresses to the database through the company's website or mobile app, which will then be validated by MapmyIndia, before they go live on the platform.

The company is also open to partnership with other map service providers who can integrate the eLoc data and APIs into their own platform. MapmyIndia is claiming that this new digital address ecosystem will also help businesses like e-commerce which include doorstep delivery, by minimising the time and effort required to search for the end user's address.

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