
Joined Skoda Gearheads Membership program: Here's what you get

I am not sure if Rs 5000 is worth it to register and will have to wait and see how effectively I can use this membership.

BHPian TurboTorque recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Greetings everyone,

Å koda Gearheads Membership is a nationwide membership Program designed to build a community of people who love automobiles.

One fine day, I received a message in the Skoda Slavia owners' WhatsApp group from a fellow owner about Skoda's membership program. I looked at the details and made an impulsive decision to register. To be honest, I'm still not sure what I was thinking when I signed up. Anyway, I went ahead and registered by paying Rs. 5000. Please find the details below:

What You Get from Membership:

  • Welcome kit.
  • Discounts:
  1. Rs. 6,000 off on Kushaq & Slavia.
  2. Rs. 2,500 off on SMP and EW.
  • Offline Experience: Participate in Adventure Rallies, community meet-ups, factory tours, and VIP event access.
  • Online Experience: Engage in discussions, share your Å koda stories, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and access exclusive webinars and tech talks from experts about the latest automotive innovations and upcoming releases.

Membership cost: Rs 5000

What you get in the Welcome Kit:

  • Metal Membership Card.
  • Å koda Gearheads Polo Shirt.
  • Unique Car Decals.
  • Å koda Gear Knob Hoodie.

I joined on 28 Mar 2024 and received the welcome kit on 18 Jun 2024.

Welcome Kit

Metal Membership Card

Å koda Gearheads Polo Shirt

Å koda Gear Knob Hoodie

Hoodie off

Hoodie on

Unique Car Decals

I see that there are a lot of ifs and buts on how they will conduct offline experiences like rallies, meet-ups, factory tours, and online experiences. It is too early to comment. I am not sure if Rs 5000 is worth it to register and I will have to wait and see how effectively I can use this membership. I will update this thread about my experience as and when I participate in any of their programs.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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