
How do I get claim process with Reliance moving fast as I live abroad

The claims manager has been making false promises over the phone so I decided to work with him via email. He hardly responds to emails as well.

BHPian rajarsch recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hi everyone,

I bought a Honda City ZX 2021 model in December and unfortunately, within a month it got T-boned by an Ambulance and the car flipped over - luckily no one was injured. One airbag got deployed and both the doors have extensive damage along with the windshield. I live in the US and had bought the car for my father and we have zero dep insurance via Reliance (recommended by dealer). I have been trying to process the claim with Reliance and they have been harassing me and delaying the process for over 1.5 months and they haven't given the workshop the work order to even get the repairs started. We have submitted all documents and complied with all verification requests. I had a few questions for this group:

The total IDV for the vehicle is 14 lakhs and the repair estimate came to 7.25 lakhs and the shop told me that they might find more damage (max 1-1.5lakhs more) once they get the permission to dismantle the car. The claims manager hasn't given that green signal yet. The claims manager has been making false promises over the phone so I decided to work with him via email. He hardly responds to emails as well. His last communication was "as per initial estimate & after projected estimate amount is above 60% of IDV in this scenario we are not able to provide the work order case forwarded to corporate for further conclusion ". I read everywhere that as long as the repair value is < 75% of the IDV they shouldn't be allowed to declare this as a total loss. Can you guys confirm if we have the absolute right/choice to ask for a repair? He was giving me the whole spiel of total loss, auction, cash loss blah blah and is telling me that corporate is deciding what to do.

I have opened a service request number and a claim for over 1.5 months. Is this the right timing to finally escalate to Ombudsman or should we wait further? Want to get an idea of how long does approval typically take.

What are the key watch-outs/ recommendations to get this car repaired asap? My family is facing a lot of inconvenience in the absence of a car. I have also assigned a local friend and my father to follow up on the case regularly and I am being in touch with the claims manager and the body shop via Whatsapp.

Here's what BHPian ninjatalli had to say on the matter:

This is ridiculous amount of stalling at their end. While you continue the necessary steps in getting the insurance claim process done as per the book, I'd suggest also trying an alternate means:

  • Identify the email format for Reliance General Insurance. Should be an easy means to go about it - either you are already looped in conversations with someone from the org or a bit of searching will help you get it.
  • Find out the top CXO level names of the firm - CEO, COO, Chief/Head of Customer Support/Servicing and sorts. You now can figure out their email ids. Some names might require a few additional combinations so might have to consider them too; one of them will be correct.
  • Drop a detailed email to each of them individually detailing the full experience so far. Be concise. Be polite. Provide as much proof (email/phone conversations, attachments, etc.) as you can. Loop the local representative (of the insurance firm, not the dealer) if you have the ids. Link references to threads like these and any social media complaints if you have made any. Give your contact details and be open for immediate connect at any time.
  • Wait for the reaction/response. Chances are someone from the CEO's office or one of the CXO's executive assistant will pick this up and escalate this asap.
  • Send polite reminders every day if you don't get a response on the same email IDs. Do not be rude.

Note: We have used this approach twice till date. Once with Reliance (ADAG RCOM) Internet and recently with TATA AIG. Both cases were for un-necessary long hold-ups for something very basic service. Both cases my email was picked up and I got a call from higher-ups within a day or two. Both cases the issue was resolved within 3-4 days with additional follow-ups/checks from their side checking if the resolution was to my acceptance.

I have opened a service request number and a claim for over 1.5 months. Is this the right timing to finally escalate to Ombudsman or should we wait further? Want to get an idea of how long does approval typically take

Short answer yes, but I'll let other more informed members revert to this and your other queries.

Both scenarios in my case, I was in the clear and no conflict that required discussion from both sides, and hence the speedy resolution. So expect timelines in accordance with your problem statement.

Here's what BHPian AD-G had to say on the matter:

Once with Reliance (ADAG RCOM) Internet and recently with TATA AIG. Both cases were for un-necessary long hold-ups for something very basic service.

We had a similar experience with Jio Fibernet. And to make the matter worse, the service department used to close out the ticket with the comments "As requested by the customer" without even bothering to connect with us.

Consistent and regular follow-up with higher ups, escalation through emails with the email chain/proof of earlier communications helped us get to the resolution but that also took time to get things moving on the ground. You can also tweet your grievances tagging the public handles of Reliance General.

I feel sad for your situation and hope she hits the road soon in all glory.

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