
Honda NX500 comes home; First service & 1st impressions report

With very low mileage clocked till now I feel this is a very good bike for calm comfortable touring.

BHPian pankajbhoir46 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Got delivery of my White NX500 on 10th May (Auspicious Akshay Tritiya) but couldn't manage to ride much because of my work schedule, my bike has done close to 400 km now.

I was supposed to join my friends for a Spiti ride so got the bike serviced at ~350 kms but unfortunately couldn't join for the ride because of some urgent family commitments. The oil & oil filter were changed in the first service & total bill was ~6k, a bit higher than what I had expected but still ok considering the next service is at 12k kms/1 year.

Initial impressions: the bike is buttery smooth up to 4k rpm but feels a bit harsh between 4k to 5k rpm and noticeable vibes creep in above that. Haven't revved the bike beyond 6k rpm yet as the engine is quite new, hopefully after I clock some good kms engine will become a bit smoother at a higher rev range. Coming from KTM 390 adv, NX500 feels a bit too linear. The quick shifter is sorely missed, hope some company launches QS for it soon. Sometimes gear shifts are a bit clunky but I think it will smoothen out once the bike clocks some more kms.

The rear suspension setup felt too soft and bouncy, maybe I will have to fiddle with the preload settings and check again, the front suspension feels quite plush.

Lights are absolutely inadequate & the bike will need an Aux lamp setup for sure.

Fitted radiator guard & side stand extender during first service, next will be a centre stand, saddle stays & some protection parts & aux lights.

With very low mileage clocked till now I feel this is a very good bike for calm comfortable touring & hope Honda will be able to deliver the new lot of bikes soon.

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