
Honda Brio replacement: Car for grocery runs, kids pick up and 2 dogs

It is hard finding a replacement for Brio, which I lovingly call an autorickshaw since it is so short it can squeeze in any parking lot while the width makes it large inside.

BHPian astrodex recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Wanted to tap into the collective community knowledge. To provide some context, my wife loves her 2015 Honda Brio, but it is becoming too long in the tooth. We were planning to replace it last year, but then Jimny got released and I put on my best charm offensive to convince that the Jimny was the worthwhile replacement  An year down and I am happy driving my Jimny and she is still with her Brio. The usage and expectations are

  • The car is mostly for urban use, for grocery runs, kids pick up, pet runs with 2 dirty dogs in the back etc.
  • Approximately 15K kms running per year.
  • Need to be as compact as possible, she loved her Brio for the ease of maneuverability and parking.
  • We are open to EV option since it will rarely run more than 60 kms per day and we already have a dedicated garage where we can run cables.
  • Budget is something around 15 lakhs, flexible on the amount.

Couple of cars considered

MG Comet - this would have been the perfect vehicle, but she does not want the 2 door option and the white interiors were a big no because of pets. Took a test drive last year and was rejected by her.

Punch EV - another great option but I am very very concerned with all of the issues reported on Tata. We have tata commercial vehicles and their service center here is pathetic. Cringes to think how electrical one would be. Not taken a test drive of it.

Other vehicles we are thinking of looking are Venue, Exter and Sonet. It is hard finding a replacement for Brio, which I lovingly call an autorickshaw since it is so short it can squeeze in any parking lot while the width makes it large inside though with zero luggage space.


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