
Got my stolen phone back within 24 hrs: GoPro & Team-BHP to the rescue

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Of course, I would also like to thank the police who were able to catch hold of one of the thieves on the very same day!

BHPian RohanMahantesh recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello Everyone


I was on my bicycle on the way to work, when two thieves on a bike snatched my phone from my backpack. This incident was recorded on a GoPro, using which the vehicle number and the images of the thieves were obtained. With the help of my colleague, a fellow Team BHPian, and a thread on the forum, we were able to obtain the information of the vehicle owner. The owner was contacted, who had lent his bike to a supposed friend when the incident occurred. The vehicle owner cooperated with the police and helped them track down the thieves. The phone was retrieved back in less than 24 Hours! The complete incident is shown in the video above.

To start, I am a final-year engineering student from Bangalore. Apart from my love for automobiles, I have a keen interest in photography. This led to me purchasing various camera gear and having read several posts on the forum about the importance of a dashcam in one's car and having been involved in several incidents before, I made it a point to record even the short rides on two-wheeler and bicycle on my GoPro (This was the first thing I bought off of my first stipend at my internship! Best purchase ever!).

I also realised that I could upload the footage on YouTube under the POV (Point of View) Driving category, which gave me another reason to drive all the vehicles at home with a GoPro mounted onto me. Oh, and if you are wondering, no I do not intend on making any money off of it on YouTube, it's just for the sheer pleasure of recording the drives, and looking back at it a few years down the lane to relive the moments, the traffic, the roads and the surroundings.

The firm that I am interning at, is about 6km from my residence, as a result of which I utilise a scooter or my bicycle to commute.

It was about 10:30 am on the 15th of March 2024, when I was on the way to the office on my bicycle. The railway crossing on the way was shut, as a result of which, I took out the phone from my bag and started scrolling. The next thing I knew, the railway crossing was open, and I had to hurry, as a result of which I ended up keeping my phone in the bottle holder of my backpack (A Stupid and Silly Mistake ).

As I was crossing the railway track (I was pushing the cycle, rather than riding it to not lose balance), a guy in a blue bike overtook me from the extreme left, which was very suspicious to me at first, but I didn't bother about it, thinking it was normal.

After crossing the railway track, I hopped onto my bicycle and started riding it. Amidst this, the guy in the blue bike picked up another person. This seemed completely normal. I didn't think much about the stares that they gave me, as it is very common to have a lot of people look at you driving with a GoPro attached to your head or chest.

I was on the extreme left lane of the road, and about 100m later, out of nowhere, the two people on the blue bike overtook me from the left side (A lot of things could have gone wrong during all of this!) the pillion (The guy he had just picked up) took the phone out of the bottle holder of my backpack and before I could realise it, it was too late!

I was terrified and almost froze! This was the first time that I had encountered a situation as such. I sped up (on the bicycle!) and tried looking for their bike, but realised that it was already too late and there was no way I could catch up with the thieves. The first thing I had to do, no matter what, was to track/erase data/log out of the phone and I rushed home.

Using the other device at home, I couldn't track it, as they had switched off the phone. I ended up signing out of all my accounts and erasing all the data from the phone (All of the data was backed up). I was concerned about my sim, as without it it would be impossible to call people, receive SMS or make payments. I extracted all the footage from the GoPro and saved it for reference to note down the vehicle number and the images of the thieves.

I immediately called up my colleague and told him about the incident, and that I would be late to the office as I had to visit the nearest police station. He asked me to calm down and offered to accompany me to the police station. We reached the Gangamma Gudi Police Station (Abbigere) and filed an e-lost complaint on the Karnataka State Police app with all the required details of the phone, This generated a lost e-report for the phone, using which I could obtain the duplicate SIM. Parallely, I blocked the IMEI number using the CEIR website.

I met the officers at the police station and made it a point to show them the footage captured, which they gladly circulated among the various WhatsApp groups of which they were part. The police asked us to be rest assured and that they would get in touch with us in case of any updates.

My colleague tried to gather information about the owner of the vehicle using mParivahan, but we couldn't get much information. We then got back to the office and went about our day. 20 minutes into the office, my colleague, remembered coming across the Karnataka PUC Website and the loopholes it had in this thread. We obtained the information of the owner and obtained his phone number using the same. My colleague immediately called the owner and cooked up an excuse to have him meet us at the police station.

The owner of the vehicle was a person who was working in the Armed Forces and was worried about the consequences of having a police case against him. We met up at the police station, where we explained what happened. He had lent his bike to a friend that morning, and he immediately recognised the people from the footage. He cooperated with the police and provided them with the contact information and address of the thieves.

The police were able to catch hold of one of the thieves (In Blue Shirt) on the very same day, and he accepted the theft but did not have any information about the phone. It was about 8 pm and we were assured of getting the phone back.

The next morning, at about 11 am, the police contacted me asking us to visit the police station. Me and my colleague visited the police station, and we were handed over the phone by the officer. He narrated the incident as to how the second thief was caught in the wee hours of midnight. The thieves had thrown the SIM card away. The police gave the thieves a taste of their medicine (you know what I am referring to). I immediately unblocked the IMEI.

Thank You Team BHP and Bengaluru Police for helping me retrieve my phone!

I regretted the absolutely silly mistake of mine which led to all of this, but I am happy that GoPro and Team BHP helped me retrieve the phone back. I urge all of you to please keep your belongings safe when in public. I learnt my lesson the hard way. Hope this was helpful to everyone out there!


Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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