
Ferruccio Lamborghini biopic could be the next big car movie

Alec Baldwin was supposed to play the role of Enzo Ferrari with Antonio Banderas in the lead role.

After the epic Ford V Ferrari, enthusiasts would be treated to yet another movie based on a classic rivalry between two automotive giants.

'Lamborghini: The man behind the legend' tells the story of Ferruccio Lamborghini - the founder of the iconic supercar brand. The biopic has been written and directed by Bobby Moresco and features Frank Grillo, who plays the role of Ferruccio.

According to reports, Antonio Banderas was expected to play the lead role initially. Also, Alec Baldwin, who was supposed to play the role of Enzo Ferrari, is said to have been replaced by Gabriel Byrne.

The official trailer was released earlier this year. However, it has since disappeared from the internet. Here are some of the screenshots.

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