
Elon Musk: Tesla Order Configurator for India by Jan 2021

Tesla Order Configurator for India by Jan 2021?

According to a tweet by Elon Musk, customers who have reserved the Tesla in India can expect the Tesla Online Configurator to be functional by January 2021. The tweet was a reply to a query by the Tesla Club India.

When the configurator goes live, India will join a select group of countries where Tesla cars can be purchased. Currently, amongst the Asian countries, Tesla is selling only in the China, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Japan. The carmaker has also set up a Tesla Gigafactory in China.

In 2015, Prime Minister of India had visited Tesla headquarters in Palo Alto. In June 2020, Musk tweeted that Indian fans can soon expect to drive a Model 3. Musk has also been keen to start operations in India, but noted that few of the government regulations were challenging.

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