
Do the looks of a car influence your purchase decisions

We own the 2016 Toyota Innova Crysta GX AT which had been called out for its van-like looks at the time of purchase.

BHPian karthi.stark recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Buying a car these days can be a tricky task. With so many options available in each segment in the market, we often evaluate a lot of factors (safety, comfort, etc) before spending our hard-earned money.

However, there is one factor that has always got me curious: looks. We hear this extremely often in our lives: "looks don't matter", but I often wonder if that is definitely the case when it comes to cars!

We own the 2016 Toyota Innova Crysta GX AT and one of the major factors that helped influence our decision is the official Team-BHP review. I remember checking out the forum day in and day out to see if there are any updates from existing owners regarding the running of the vehicle. But if there is one thing I found (and still find) to be a trend in the posts of the Innova review (and even on ownership reports of members who evaluated the Crysta during the process of making a purchase decision), it is that people not being fans of the "van-like" looks of the vehicle. I have read a lot of posts over the past five years in which members explained how looks were a big let-down for them and therefore decided on another option.

Now don't get me wrong. I am definitely not saying that looks will never be a factor in my decision-making process (one of the reasons why I never will consider a Mahindra KUV100). But if I have an option of an "ugly" vehicle with a five-star safety kit or scores huge in the area of comfort in my wishlist, I will definitely have a hard time arriving at a purchase decision!

So my question is: Do looks have a huge influence on your decision of buying a car, even if it scored extremely well in other departments?

If yes or no, please explain why. If it depends, please mention the factors!

Here's what GTO had to say on the matter:

Oh boy, looks matter & how! I'm a total sucker for good-looking things, including - but not restricted to - cars. Will never buy an ugly car, no matter how competent it is. As an example, I love everything about the new Creta, but would never bring one home.

On the other hand, some cars can be "smart-looking", even if they aren't good looking. For instance, the Innova Crysta. Not the most handsome vehicle, yet a smart-looking one with a strong personality. I'd totally be cool with an Innova Crysta in my garage.

Here's what BHPian Eddy had to say on the matter:

Not at all. How it looks from the outside is not a deal-breaker for me. There is no car in the market currently that I would reject because of the looks. Also, I would not compromise on any other factor to buy a better-looking car.

PS: I own an S-Cross and a Brio, so I am sure you guys get my point.

Here's what BHPian RaghuVis had to say on the matter:

I have a different take on this question. Two reasons:

  • Looks might not be a huge factor or deciding for many in our forum.
  • End of the day beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So everyone has a different take on what looks good.

Ideally, the question should be - Will you buy a car that YOU feel looks ugly even if it ticks all other boxes?

My answer is a big NO. I might not be looking for a dashing looking car. But why would I buy a car which I feel looks horrendous (inside or outside)!

Here's what BHPian lamborghini had to say on the matter:

I personally love the idea of a car that I would turn around to look back at after parking, or just admire while walking the dog or anything!

That being said - the cars are mainly driven by a particular requirement first then comes the looks: my daily needs to be something fun to drive first, looks second - explains the S-Cross; similarly we picked up the Etios as it was arguably the best beater for our needs back then - with all similarly priced options being too cramped for comfort.

Here's what BHPian Mohitkumaar had to say on the matter:

For me looks matter NOW but they did not really matter in 2012 when my parents got our first car and I put some money in it as my share!

Why do they matter now?

My first decision box is always - Do I get Automatic Transmission?

In 2012 autos were rare. They are not that rare in 2022.

In 2012 car was paid for by saving both my parents with me contributing from my measly earnings. So we got the cheapest AT car. Now, I will be the one paying all the money! Since I have freedom in the budget I am planning to save a lot before buying.

In 2012, we got out our first car. It was to be primarily for transportation so being flashy was not a consideration. In 2022, we have Tata Nano AMT for city transport usage. Hence the main car decision list will keep flashiness as a prominent check box.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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