
Covid-19: Chinese auto industry coming back on track

According to a media report, Chinese carmakers have started resuming production at their factories. Some have even reopened their dealerships. The news comes amidst announcements of shut downs in most of the auto manufacturing countries including the ones in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia.

It has been reported that Honda, Nissan, and Toyota, have resumed operations in China. Toyota is said to have 98% of its dealerships functional as well. Volkswagen has also resumed production at most of its plants in the country, albeit in a single shift operation.

State-owned SAIC Motor is said to have resumed production of MG, Maxus and Volkswagen cars. PSA Group has also resumed operations at its Wuhan facilities. 90 percent of FCA Group dealerships and 95 percent of their staff are back to work.

Among American car brands, Ford has started operations, but is said to be limiting the travel of employees from Wuhan and Hubei regions. Electric carmaker Tesla has also restarted production at its facilities.

Amongst the luxury car brands, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo are said to be resuming operations too. BMW was the first to resume while Mercedes-Benz started production just recently.


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