
China: Now, world's no.1 car maker

China has surpassed the European Union (EU) as the largest car maker in the world. While the EU manufactured a total of 14.6 million cars in 2013, China was way ahead with nearly 18 million cars being rolled out. Figures released by the European Automobile Manufacturer’s Association (ACEA) suggest that China passed the EU in 2012 and pulled away throughout 2013. Between 2012 and 2013, car production in the EU remained almost flat.

China has been seeing a phenomenal growth in the manufacturing of automobiles. In 2002, the country built just about 1 million vehicles. This number grew to more than 4 million by 2006 and enabled China to come at par with the United States. Even during the recession in 2008 when every car manufacturing nation saw a fall in production, the trend in China was just the opposite. Production shot up from 7 million units in 2008 to 14 million by the end of 2010.

China is a part BRIC group of countries which includes Brazil, Russia, India and China. This group produces 39.6% of the world's automobiles. China leads the BRIC countries with 27.6% of the worlds total automotive output. India accounts for 4.8% with Brazil placed third at 4.2% and Russia bringing up the rear with 2.9%.

Source: Autocar

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