
Building India's first all-electric sports car: My entire DIY journey

I want to take you all along for the ride – to share the ups and downs, the wins and losses, of this crazy adventure.

BHPian startupdaddyy recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hey everyone,

I'm Sumeet. Like many of you, I'm crazy about cars. When COVID hit and everything went into lockdown, I was just another Mechanical Engineering student trying to figure things out. But amidst all the chaos, I couldn't shake off this big dream I've always had – to build a cool sports car right here in India.

Ever since I can remember, I've been fascinated by the idea of a sleek, powerful sports car made by us, for us. And when the pandemic hit, it gave me the push I needed to chase that dream. So, armed with my love for tinkering with machines and a stubborn determination, I decided to take on the challenge of creating India's first all-electric sports car, all by myself.

Alright, let's incorporate that into the story.

So, the first step on my journey was quite a big one. I decided to build a 5-axis CNC router from scratch. Why? Well, to carve out the moulds for my dream car, of course! I used high-density thermocol as the material. It was a challenging task, but I was determined to get it right.

After countless hours of tinkering and fine-tuning, I finally had my moulds ready. Excited, I started building prototypes of the car. But here's the thing – they just didn't meet my standards. I had envisioned something sleek, powerful, and distinctly Indian. What I got instead were prototypes that looked like cheap knock-offs. That wasn't what I signed up for.

I didn't want some "jugaad" solution. I wanted excellence.

Taking a cue from the strategy used by Tesla with their first Roadster, I realized that sometimes it's smart to borrow the chassis from another vehicle. I wanted something powerful and robust, so I set my sights on the Superlite Cars SLC chassis. But there was a catch – importing it would cost a fortune.

Determined not to let that stop me, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I figured, why not build it myself using the CNC router I had painstakingly crafted? It seemed like a crazy idea at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. So, armed with my trusty router and a hefty dose of determination, I set out to create my own version of the SLC chassis.

Stay tuned to find out how I tackled this setback and moved closer to my dream of creating India's first all-electric sports car.

I want to take you all along for the ride – to share the ups and downs, the wins and losses, of this crazy adventure. Let's dive into the heart of this project together, celebrating the spirit of creativity and the never-give-up attitude.

Get ready, folks. It's going to be one heck of a journey.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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