
Booked a 650cc RE in 2018 and still haven't been able to bring one home

After the Interceptor 650, I enquired about the Super Meteor 650 and even the Shotgun. But I'm stuck in this time loop where most likely I can never own a 650cc Royal Enfield.

BHPian Brumby recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello friends,

I am looking for suggestions to help me realise my dream of owning a RE twin-cylinder motorcycle.

A brief about the reason for this post

I am a sailor and I am in and out of the country every three months.

I have been planning to buy a twin-cylinder RE motorcycle, ever since the reports about the development of the RE 650 engine started to pop up on the internet.

I was present at the launch of Interceptor 650 and mine was the 2nd booking on the day of launch.

The dealer never bothered to call me when the test drives started and called my number to arrange the delivery of the bike at a time when I was not at home (somewhere in May 2019). There was a waiting period for the delivery and my chance to take the delivery was missed and my booking became inactive. After activating the booking number again, gets in the queue with a tentative delivery after three months or so.

I just gave up hope of getting the delivery of the bike, the dealer never called back and I never enquired, it was sort of forgotten.

Then the Super Meteor 650 was launched, and I thought of trying my luck by shifting the booking to SM650.

After a test ride of the SM650, I cancelled my booking of the Interceptor 650 in March 2023 and booked an SM650. I explained to the sales executive about the situation and requested to arrange a delivery within 3 months as this time I had a leave of about 4 months. Though he promised to try, even after multiple reminders after about 2 months, his response was negative.

The sales executive left the job and I went back to work. While I was away, my wife again received a call from Soniya Motors, somewhere in September 2024, confirming that our booking is now confirmed for delivery. My wife explained the situation to the sales executive and expressed our inability to complete the payment and take delivery of the bike.

During my short stay at home in Nov-Dec 2023, I enquired about the possibility of taking the delivery, I was informed that we called you multiple times and you refused to take the delivery (the reason for refusal does not matter). Your booking has become inactive, we will make the booking active again and will try but cannot guarantee it.

I left for work by 3rd week of December 2023 and came back on 25 March 2024.

Today on 31 March 2024, I initiated the conversation with the dealer again, and the status is still the same, the booking is inactive. I enquired about Shotgun and the availability of a test ride, which was confirmed in the affirmative over the phone.

I went to the store, I saw the Shotgun and enquired about the bike, and about any possibility of having the early delivery if I switch the booking. The reply was again the same, 3 months of waiting.

I asked if any of the 650 bikes were available for immediate delivery, and the sales executive gave a standard reply, "Three months waiting".

He even went on to explain to me the reason for waiting. As per the sales executive, there is a shortage of the crankshaft and hence there is a waiting period.

The availability of test ride status for the Shotgun changed to "not available" at the store, and then suddenly changed to "available". I was disappointed by this attitude and left the store.

So presently I am stuck in this time loop with RE where most likely I can never own a 650 CC bike from RE.

I come home, and have 3 months' leave - the bike will be available for delivery after 3 months - At this time I will be away from home - the booking becomes inactive - and the cycle starts again.

Since the order books are full, there is no effort from the dealer to help and arrange a delivery that suits my requirements.

I am in a dilemma, what should I do, should I switch to another dealer or give up and cancel my booking?

Regarding the type of motorcycle, I am comfortable with almost all 650cc bikes that are available with RE except the Continental GT.

I presently own a 2007 Std Bullet 350 and want to have a 650 CC bike for weekend joy rides.

Your suggestions are most welcome.

Here's what BHPian deep_bang had to say about the matter:

How about a used Interceptor? There must be enough of them in the market now to get those easily.

While your preference may be for a new, by buying used, you get the bike in a short time, there is the added advantage of a lower price.

Here's what BHPian Cyborg had to say about the matter:

Cancel your old booking and let the refund come in its own time. Don’t try to reactivate your booking every time.

Make up your mind about which bike it is that you really want and stick to it.

Since the bike will be available after three months and your contract is three months, make a new booking on your last day at home, just when you are ready to sail.

Come back home after three months, take delivery of your dream bike and enjoy her to the fullest.

All the best!

Here's what BHPian setuniket had to say about the matter:

Try booking online with 1-2 accessories through MIY on the RE website when you are about to sail.

By the time your customised motorcycle is shipped to the dealer, you should be back in India. Since the order would be customised the dealer should hold it for you.

Here's what BHPian AtheK had to say about the matter:

Can a friend or colleague not take the delivery when you are not around? You can even request the dealer to deliver the bike to your place if no one else rides in your circle, and then start using it once you are back.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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