
BMW's self-driving cars will still offer 'driving pleasure'

BMW has revealed that it will offer driver controls on its future autonomous cars. The German carmaker wants to offer the choice of self-driving or autonomous driving to the user.

Robert Irlinger, the head of BMW’s i division, said that the company wants to offer the best of both worlds to the user - autonomy when they want it and driving pleasure when it suits them. The automobile company wants to design a system that will hide away the driver controls when not needed.

Different carmakers have different takes on the autonomous cars. Volkswagen has said that their autonomous car will not get driver controls, while Lamborghini has declared that they will not be making self-driving cars at all. BMW's stance on autonomous cars suggests that they prefer the middle ground and will offer the better of the two. That being said, Irlinger also commented that there is a possibility that BMW would come out with a self-driving car without the driver controls, although that isn’t their goal.

Source - Topspeed

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