
Yamaha R15: Service centre's carelessness leads to near tragedy

If an R15 has a skid plate installed, then the ASC personnel should remove the skid plate partially.

BHPian sasta_rider recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Visiting Motoworld, Chandapura did not go well!

As mentioned in the post of this thread, I had dropped my 2 year old R15 (unknowingly) recently.

Yesterday (13-Apr-2024), I decided to take her to the nearest Yamaha (which I don't do usually when Vinayak Yamaha, Domlur looks after my R15) to get the bent gear shift pedal replaced with a new one so that I can be ready for the Bengaluru-Kasaragod ride on 14-Apr-2024 (today). Along with this, I had requested for a paid wash and chain clean, chain tight and chain lube. Since my stay was at Bommasandra, I did not have the energy to get this task done from Domlur due to the scorching heat.

Pre-text about MotoWorld: when I was staying at a PG in Indiranagar, I had met a fellow R15 rider since we both had the same machines. That's how we became a little close and even used to hangout in city with our blue whales. He had the worst delivery experience with MotoWorld, and after we met, I suggested him about Vinayak Yamaha and he was impressed with one of the periodic services. (Please note: I am not at all endorsing Vinayak Yamaha in any manner nor did they request me to praise them.)

Before visiting, I had enquired about the availability of the part. They did confirm that they had it in stock and I assured them that I will be at the location on 13-Apr-2024 morning. I felt, maybe they have changed than what my friend had described before. Good for them! Since this was a minor repair which does not require one complete day, I landed there at 11 am. The SA was not 'excited' to know the customer and their problem, get the job card done and provide a good service experience. They seemed to least bother about any of the customers in fact. After I interrupted one of the SAs, one guy took up my case, started the job card and handed over the acknowledgement receipt. Before leaving, I had requested him to get this job on priority since I have a confirm plan to ride to Kerala the next day. He did not assure me anything but on the acknowledgement, the delivery date as "13-Apr-2024". I was happy, thinking they would be calling me once the job was done.

What followed?

I knew few Yamaha service centers (and dealers) are least bothered about anything. So, the same day, at around 03:30 pm I called them and the conversation followed like this:

  • Me: Hello, is the R15 v4 (blue color with KL registration) ready for delivery?
  • SS (Service Center): Which color sir, white FZ?
  • Me: --what is even wrong with them?--
  • SS: Oh, blue R15. Sir, you can collect it tomorrow morning! (and was about to cut the call)
  • Me: Hello! I had asked you for delivery today itself and only after assurance I agreed to give the vehicle to you. Please get this job done today by EOD, as I have to travel to hometown (Kasaragod) tomorrow.
  • SS: Ok sir, come and collect at 06:00 pm.
  • Me: Thank you! (hung up the call)

If she agreed to complete the job today, then why did she say to collect the vehicle the next day morning? Is this a sign of lethargy, lack of interest towards work and poor customer experience? Indeed yes!

As discussed with the SS, I reached the service center at 05:30 pm (yes, I do have this habit of reaching a place before time, thanks to OCD). As soon as I entered, I could see my R15 standing, ready to be delivered. I went and inspected before making the payment. Everything looked good to me. I let the bad experience go and was happy with a shining bike with a new gear shift lever!

If you see the post 32, the lever was bent towards the engine. Now, this is how it should be (normal).

The previous pedal had wear and tear marks. This is the new part, which means, they did replace the old one, thank god!

I am a person who blindly trust any ASC, provided they take care of my vehicle as I expect. But, experience with MotoWorld was new to me. I did a mistake during the delivery. I should have inspected my bike in a little more attention to detail: check chains (lubed and cleaned or not), check for any loose bolts or any signs which should not be seen on a delivery bike from an ASC.

Today, while riding back to my hometown (detailed ride experience in this thread), I took a break to get hydrated with tender coconuts at Srirangapatna. My usual place to have some good tender coconut enroute. The background was a lush green field, I felt like capturing R15. When I was reviewing the pic (under bright sunlight), I could see the rear side of the skid plate (accessory) is hanging. Immediately, I realised it was not normal and this can endanger me during any phase of my ride. Holy cow! I went closer, inspected and found out that the rear bolt nut holding the skid plate to the silencer pipe is missing.

The circled part ring holds to another ring (behind the arrow) using a nut and bolt.

I tried recalling what might have happened during this minor service experience with MotoWorld. After few seconds, I found what caused this.

Skid plate comes as an accessory. I had put this in my cart during the first service of my R15 with Vinayak Yamaha. If an R15 has a skid plate installed, then the ASC personnel should remove the skid plate partially. Why? To install the double stand for lubing and cleaning the chain. After this, the ASC personnel should carefully fit back the skid plate in place. What might have happened at MotoWorld? I again have an answer to this.

From the time I entered their service area, I could hear loud music (local songs) being played. Mechanics doing their work, but can they concentrate? I have the answer for that. Before cleaning, the ASC personnel did remove the bolt nut of the skid plate. If they have removed, then they did clean and lube the chain (I had confirmed this during delivery). But, some distraction in the service area might have drawn the mechanic's attention elsewhere and he did not tighten the bolt nut to the recommended torque, leaving it loose. Being a loyal customer of Yamaha, I never even imagined that such minor mistakes can happen. This is a basic service protocol for all the R15s having skid plate. Then why this carelessness? God knows!

I am not at all concerned at this stage about the expense I get to maintain my R15 from an ASC, but this is the breakup details for nerds out there!

After the delivery, I could not hear any rattling sound nor did I observe the skid plates. But, when I realised this during the midway of my long ride, I was totally shocked and scared at the same time. The ride day being a Sunday, I could not even get this fixed. Usually I keep cable ties under my pillion seat, but I had used it few weeks back. Else, I could have tried a temporary fix. By the way, I did reach safely to hometown and will pen down the ride experience in the other thread soon.


Always check your vehicle, before making the payment at the ASC. If you doubt the ASC in their work, either look for an alternate ASC or an FNG who you can trust for the bill they issue to you! If your vehicle is safe, your safety automatically is secured till 90%, rest depends on various other factors which is unavoidable.

Ride safe!


Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

Power to the people