
What happens when you install wrong-sized wipers

It was only upon reaching back home and checking specs online, I realized he had given me the wrong size.

BHPian ankurj recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I was in the middle of rain, on a long drive and my existing wipers had gone bad. In a hurry, I purchased a new pair of wipers, but the shopkeeper gave the wrong size.

For the Hyundai Verna Fluidic, it should be 24-inch & 16-inch, but he installed 22-inch & 17-inch (Minda). He also mentioned, I was using the wrong size earlier.

It was only upon reaching back home and checking specs online, I realized he had given me the wrong size.

Just wondering, what wrong can these wipers do to the car glass (other than the fact of course that the 22" wiper would wipe a lesser area than the 24-inch blades and 17" ones would wipe a greater area than the 16" wiper)?

Here's what BHPian self_driven had to say on the matter:

Nothing much. 24" to 22" won't cause any issue as the latter is obviously shorter. It could've been a problem if it was the other way around. The difference between 16" and 17" is again too small to create any issues.

If the wipers are working smoothly without brushing with each other, there's no need to change.

Here's what BHPian abhishek46 had to say on the matter:

Nothing will happen to the glass.

Just check the area that is now being cleaned by the Wipers.

If it substantially less than earlier, and it is affecting your field of vision, then go back to the previous setup.

Here's what BHPian Dr.AD had to say on the matter:

Nothing wrong will happen by using 22" instead of 24". All you will get is lesser wiping area. But no damage to be worried about.

Regarding the other 17" instead of 16" wiper, only possibility is that the increases 1" length could interfere with the other wiper or the edges of the windshield. You will know that by audible sounds and a jagged movement of the wiper, if that is happening. But if that interference is not happening, then you are fine and nothing to worry.

In short, wrong wiper sizes are not a great idea, but it will not cause any immediate or serious damage that you need to worry about.

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