
Volkswagen introduces new mobility services brand - MOIA

The Volkswagen group has announced the launch of its thirteenth brand - MOIA, which will be dealing in the mobility services space, including ride hailing, carpooling, etc. The new brand is a part of Volkswagen's aim to develop a new business vertical in the 'mobility on demand' sphere, which will stand parallel to the group's car sales business. The Volkswagen AG is hoping to earn a substantial share of its total revenue from advanced mobility services by 2025.

MOIA will be a stand-alone company with its headquarters in Berlin. The company will soon be starting operations with a small team of just 50 professionals. However, this number is expected to be increased significantly by the end of 2017.

MOIA will start by offering on-demand ride-hailing solutions. The German automaker had recently invested in Gett, a leading ride-hailing platform, which will help Volkswagen incorporate Gett's tried and tested platform and network onto its MOIA program. Gett currently has its operations in over 100 cities across the globe.

The second major area of focus for MOIA is the carpooling business. The company will be setting up an app for on-demand pooling services. A pilot project in the car pooling space is scheduled to begin from 2017.

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