
Vehicle scrappage policy: Impact on Delhi-NCR cars

I own a Volvo S60 2015 in Delhi and I love her to the bits and I intend to own her as long as possible (more like forever) but since its a diesel vehicle, the government is making it very difficult to retain it.

M.Dua recently shared this with other BHPians.

Dear fellow car lovers, this is my first thread. I personally think I would be able to get the best clarity here on the painful dilemma I am in to sell my car or retain it.

So the deal is I own a Volvo S60 2015 in Delhi and I love her to the bits and I intend to own her as long as possible (more like forever) but since its a diesel vehicle, the government is making it very difficult to retain it.

However, there is not much clarity on what is going to happen. I see Diesel cars in Delhi plying on road which are more than 10 years old but no one really has the clarity.

  • NGT says any Delhi registered Diesel vehicle more than 10 years old has to be scrapped.
  • Now the new NGT rules says pay Green Tax + re-registration charges + Pollution Certification, etc. and ply the car on road (not sure if applicable to Delhi).

Does anyone have any clarity on this subject? What will happen if someone from another state, following the vehicle scrappage policy re-registered his Diesel vehicle and is driving in Delhi?

Thanks in Advance!!

Here's what anjan_c2007 had to say on the matter:

The budget speech of our FM has goodies for the Delhi and NCR private car owners. This will take effect only after the Finance Bill is passed by the Parliament. The Parliamentary laws overrule any other rule or law, even by any court including the Apex Court. In a democracy, the Parliament is the fountain of all laws and rules supreme.

Coming back to the topic, the NGT judgement for Delhi and NCR for private cars will hence be nullified. The FM specifically said during her speech that private cars will have a life of 20 years all over India, including Delhi and the NCR. Thereafter, fitness will be through automated fitness tests in licensed centres, mostly owned privately. Green Tax will be levied as decided by the state governments. The validity of the fitness test will be for 5 years and thereafter it has to be again renewed. Also, Green Tax will be payable every five years. It simply means 20 +5+5+5 years of fitness, "n" times till the car is fit. This is in contrast to the earlier 15+5+5+5, "n" times all over India, other than Delhi and the NCR. For Delhi and NCR it was 10 + NIL (diesels) and 15 + NIL (petrols).

Hence please wait for the Finance Bill to be passed by the Parliament sometime around April 2021 and the fitness laws will have to be amended.

Thanks to M.Dua once again! Check out BHPian comments for more insights & information.

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