
Trip to RTO for my Yamaha RZ 350's fitness + Sunday ride in Mumbai

Took half an hour as we had to wait for the officer in charge and as usual people wanted to know more about the bike and take pictures.

BHPian SnS_12 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Visit to the RTO and a town ride

RZ’s fitness recently expired and I had already given the papers to the agent to start the process a month ago. Mostly I don’t take my bikes to the RTO and the agent gets it done but this time around I had to physically take the bike and luckily for me the bike was rideable unlike my RD 125 which can only visit the RTO post the restoration work is completed. Took half an hour as we had to wait for the officer in charge and as usual people wanted to know more about the bike and take pictures. Even my agent thought the horn and radiator are modifications and he told incase the officer asks please explain it to him why these parts are there on the bike .

The accelerator on the return journey gave some issues again as the idle was not dropping upon cutting the accelerator and I managed to ride back home safely. So, before we can fix that issue I did a town ride today and prayed that I come back home riding the motorcycle this around. Went to town and came back home without much drama except that when I parked the bike I noticed that the coolant had overflown again from the reservoir. Need to sort that out along with the carburettors.

So, the list of works include, getting the throttle sorted along with the new needles that I have got from UK and larger pilot jets. The boost bottle will be removed as well and finally sort out the coolant overflow issue… These old two strokes need a lot of running and tuning as the characteristics change a lot with small inputs and changes. Till date I have ridden 162kms post the rebuild and hopefully by the time the running in of the engine is completed the bike will run and perform as we expect it too…

Some pictures…

Awaiting its turn at the RTO office. An old uncle who had come with his Activa for its fitness renewal asked if the radiator is an air cooled or liquid cooled. That was the first time someone has asked me that.

Made in Japan needles from Yambits

Wash time before the Sunday ride..

Km reading before the ride

Some sunrise shots at reclamation where a sea of riders from the Parsi community had halted before they proceeded to Dadar for breakfast

At the usual spot with my usual riding partner

Having the usual breakfast

The subtle hints of red really makes the paint scheme pop on an all black bike

My friend Farzan trying out the RZ

Reflections on a mirror finish paint job

Coolant leaks out once again..

Downsides of a black paint attracts a lot of dust

Jopasu duster to the rescue

Final km reading.. 162 kms up and a long way to go before the beast can be fully unleashed.. Looking forward…

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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