
Toyota's post lockdown 'Restart Manual' for businesses

Toyota has released a 'Restart Manual' to resume business operations post lockdown. It includes standard operating procedures (SoP) to ensure safest possible restart to manufacturing.

According to Toyota, the Restart Manual is a guide for reorganizing and safely resuming business operations to near normalcy after the lockdown is lifted, while ensuring the health, well-being and safety of all employees. It includes graphical illustrations of safety measures to be adopted at each function.

The Restart Manual adheres to government guidelines and will be used by Toyota and its suppliers. It has also been shared with all the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) members. Toyota also intends to share it with other industries through the CII.

All over the country, industries have shut down their operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is a possibility that the government could allow manufacturing to restart post April 20, 2020.

Download the manual here.

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