
Software-controlled tech & its influence on future cars

Time to welcome the era of Software Defined Vehicles (SDV).

BHPian Electromotive recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Software is the big bad boy. It is assassinating middle-men, disrupting supply chains, killing 'boomer' brands, and is redefining how you watch TV, buy groceries, work, and socialize.

In 2011 Marc Andreessen wrote Why Software Is Eating The World. Now, the software is going to eat your car. Time to welcome the era of Software Defined Vehicles (SDV).

What are SDVs:


While in the past the customer’s experience of a car was primarily defined by hardware, the software is now taking on a much more important role. This trend of software massively shaping the customer experience and in some cases, even the specification of the hardware is referred to as the “software-defined vehicle” (SDV). This evolution not only affects development and operation but also makes new business models and types of collaboration possible.


"Software-defined vehicles" apparently refers to the state that the quantity and value of software (including electronic hardware) in a vehicle exceeds that of the mechanical hardware; furthermore, it reflects the gradual transformation of automobiles from highly electromechanical terminals to intelligent, expandable mobile electronic terminals that can be continuously upgraded.


The SDV concept is a vehicle where features and functions are primarily enabled through software. It reflects the gradual transformation of automobiles from highly electromechanical terminals to intelligent, expandable, mobile electronic terminals that can be continuously upgraded. This technology represents a departure from traditional development for auto manufacturers but one that is necessary to stay competitive as software becomes a bigger part of automobiles.

That's a lot of words to say: Going forward, especially with BEVs, the hardware is going to be more or less standardized and most of the features and characteristics of the vehicle will be under software control. The only way OEMs are going to distinguish themselves and lock-in users will be through design and software/software-enabled features and services. The coming generation of cars are going to have significant onboard computing power, sensors, always-on data link, connected car features, and possibly - AI-enabled services.

With all that hardware and software already present, the reliable self-driving capability will also come as an add-on or pay-per-use service. I think we are going to converge on autonomous vehicle fleets. Self-driving tech can work really well with networked cars running on dedicated lanes. Seems like privately owned BEVs are going to be transitional and soon enough the corporations and governments will push for autonomous fleets and related infrastructure. It is a win-win for all parties involved except for driving enthusiasts. Predictable and steady revenue for OEMs and their fleet services, and for commuters - benefits of a private vehicle without having to own one and wider reach than current transport networks.

My questions to the community are:

  1. Do you want to own a smart SDV?
  2. How radically will this change your relationship with your future vehicle? Note that with SDVs the balance of power shifts towards the OEMs.
  3. Would you rather own a connected car that can be part of an autonomous-taxi fleet and earn you money or would you rather keep your car private?
  4. What tech features would you like to see in your software-defined car?

Here's what BHPian RedMaw had to say on the matter:

What worries me is the inevitability of this SDV evolution. Even when the majority of consumers object or threaten, we will be dragged into this and this will inevitably lead to repair issues. Auto manufacturers will have lots of reasons to lock down the software and make repair or modification impossible. It will be the death of independent garages. Tesla cars are already on this track and sadly many manufacturers want to follow in tesla's footsteps.

Here's what BHPian ValarMorghulis had to say on the matter:

Software intrusions are only going to improve the earning potential and the bottom line of the OEMs, once the new-fangled bling fades away.

  1. The entire car is soon going to be gamified with in-car purchases (like in-app purchases from "free" games). Drive less than 2000km a month and earn 60% of on the subscription of car music app.
  2. "Want ambient lighting in a different colour? Pay a measly amount of Rs.500 and get 7 surround lights for a year"!! "Pay only Rs.1000 for hi-def audio sound from your music system". "Want 360 deg camera? Pay Rs. 1000 for a year".
  3. Car servicing only at authorized service centres (forget FNGs) just like you rarely can get an iPhone serviced at a third-party centre.
  4. John Deere type services and payments

and so on...

Here's what BHPian heydj had to say on the matter:

I don't want a smart car or too much software-driven car. All I want is a mechanically sound car with great engine sound and pleasure to drive.

The software can stay on the iPad. On the open road, I want to feel the thrill of driving rather than fiddle with touch screens or software buttons etc.

Unfortunately, we are moving away from the V4, V6 era and going into software-driven cars where anyone can take down my car from the backend. If the state wants to tap into me all they will have to do is disable the app and my ride will come to halt in the middle of the road.

Recently people's teslas refused to start because of a global server outage. Imagine I have to go somewhere and my car decides to lock me out and drive away on its own like in movie transformers. No thanks I would rather go walking/horse riding than be trapped in such a horrible situation.

Here's what BHPian sassid had to say on the matter:

Can I just say that I am happy to be nearly 50 and to be able to leave all these choices to my sons, the younger generation at large and my young at heart colleagues.

I’ll just restrict myself to saying - get your SDV off my lawn!

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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