
Personal car rented out via ZoomCar crashes: How to proceed further?

The vehicle appears to be a total loss and is at a police station. There is no clear communication from the ZoomCar team.

BHPian Bhargav7 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

A friend of mine had a car which he attached with Zoom. It went well for a while until the car met with an accident. Long story short, the car is now in the police station for a while and there is no clear communication from the Zoom team on the next steps.

The photos of the vehicle were shared and it appears to be a total loss. We want to proceed further and claim the insurance either as a total loss or try to get it repaired. The Zoom team which contractually has to do the entire activity seems totally incompetent.

Has anyone else had a similar experience or know a way out of this? Any guidance on how to get the car from police custody and do the next steps on the insurance will be highly helpful.

Here's what BHPian speedmiester had to say about the matter:

Did your friend get a self-drive permit for the car? If yes, then it would be better to grease the police and get the car out and claim insurance. Also do check whether there were any injuries or death due to the accident to either the renter or third party. This will make it a little difficult to get the car back.

If on the other hand, the car has a private registration with white board, better forget about insurance or any money. It is illegal to rent out private cars for hire purposes and no Insurance company will pay out. Zoomcar will just wash their hands off in this case.

Here's what BHPian Bhargav7 replied:

It is a private registration. Zoomcar came with a workaround - they make a separate lease agreement every time the car is rented out. That said, I am not really sure if that is accepted by an insurance company. At the time of attaching the car, Zoomcar had specifically mentioned that all repairs etc are their responsibility. Even now, they give assurances that they will get the car cleared and repaired. Just that they are only words not backed by actions.

On your other question, thankfully there are no deaths or major injuries reported.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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