
Opinion: Should higher displacement bikes be allowed on expressways?

I never really had a problem with this rule until I bought a bike and realised that I was legally prohibited from plying on expressways.

BHPian Yash390 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I have thought long and hard about this. Why aren't 2 wheelers above a certain displacement/power output allowed on expressways?

What do you guys think about this?

NOTE: Due to multiple instances of the terms being used in this post, kindly note that:

  • 2W = 2 wheeler
  • NCR = National Capital Region
  • KMP/WPE = Kundli Manesar Palwal / Western Peripheral Expressway

Somewhere in 2009 was my first time travelling on the Mumbai-Pune expressway and I saw boards showing that 2-wheelers are not allowed on this road. On asking my parents why so, they replied that 2-wheelers are slow-moving vehicles hence they disrupt the flow of fast-moving traffic. Being 10 years old at that time, I agreed with what they said. Later on, when I started reading Autocar and Overdrive and gained some knowledge about the more powerful bikes, I went back to my thoughts, came to my senses and realised that not all 2-wheelers are slow. I know what the thought process of the NHAI is regarding the restriction for 2-wheelers. 2 wheelers are usually considered as the common man's means of transport, be it the doodhwala (milkman) carrying huge drums on his 1970s Yezdi or a family of 5 people on a Splendor. Having travelled across multiple states and expressways, I absolutely agree that the majority of 2W is a nuisance, mostly slow-moving, occupying the wrong lane, turning without checking RVMs, non-functional lights/indicators etc. But all these factors apply to all 4-wheelers as well right?

I never really had a problem with this rule until I bought a bike and realised that I was legally prohibited from plying on expressways.

As an avid long-distance touring fan, this was going to be a problem. Having read about the Rs 10k - 20k fine amount being set by the authorities, I was a bit scared at first. For those of you who don't know, I ride a 2018 Duke 390 and it is plenty powerful, probably quicker than 90% of the cars on our roads (not flexing, I don't know of any stats, just a random rough guess). I can easily cruise at 100+kmph all day and I don't fall into the milkman/Splendor family category so why is this rule for me?

The first time when I thought of breaking the law was in December 2021 when I was on my Kutch ride. The first leg was from Dehradun-Beawar(Rajasthan) via Jaipur. We had two options:

  1. Going via the usual Delhi NCR meant passing through bad traffic meaning a waste of time. Distance - 700kms
  2. Going via the new KMP/Western Peripheral Expressway (WPE), no city/village traffic along the way, saving time and ensuring mental peace. Distance - 750kms, 50kms extra but more chances of having a better average speed hence reaching earlier.

As it was going to be my first time venturing on an access-controlled expressway and the ride was planned with a very strict schedule (my friend couldn't beg for any more office leave), we had to be sure not to fall into trouble with the highway cops/authorities. We took the safer option of not taking our chances, going via the usual route and ended up facing the slow-moving traffic which killed our average speed, as expected. The next time I got the chance to travel on the KMP/WPE was in my car, from Jodhpur-Dehradun. Yes, the distance covered was definitely more but the time taken was less and I was somewhat satisfied with the road quality. What made me sad was looking at slow 2W moving all along the access-controlled expressway, making me regret my earlier decision.

Starting in February 2022, I knew that I'd have to go to Delhi NCR for some work at least once or twice a month, which meant going through the Delhi-Meerut expressway. Yes, I researched alternate routes for 2W and read about the high fine collected by the 2W violators but I just wanted to try the new and beautiful expressway once. The first time I went through the toll, voila, nobody cared. The fear vanished and since then I have probably been on the expressway about 14-15 times.

So back to the original question. We all know that bikes nowadays (or have always been) are sufficiently powerful to maintain highway speeds. I'm aware of several YouTube channels that regularly post 'highway battles' (whatever the heck that is supposed to mean) on expressways with powerful bikes, ripping like maniacs and endangering the lives of everyone, themselves included. But the same thing could be said about cars. I regularly see cars zipping past me on highways, exhibiting the same maniac nature with no regard for road safety.

What I think could be done to allow certain 2W to enter expressways legally:

Checking the RC at toll booths to:

  1. Verify the power output
  2. Verify the displacement

Also, I would happily pay toll as long as I'm provided with butter-smooth roads. I know strict enforcement is another long story, this is just my restless mind devising some unachievable plans which most probably won't bear any fruit.

I've thought of these 2 options as high displacement engines don't necessarily mean powerful bikes. Case in point, a KTM Duke 200 (200cc) produces 25ish BHP whereas an RE Himalayan(411cc) puts out a relatively less 24ish BHP. The bottom line, higher displacement does not translate to a more powerful bike.

To eliminate this discrepancy, putting power output as a metric would be more sensible in my opinion.

Now regarding the more appropriate metric (engine displacement OR power output) for allowing legal admission, what do you guys think should be the more appropriate metric and minimum allowable figures for such a system?

I personally think power output would be more sensible (40+ BHP)

Kindly support your vote with answers. Any other suggestions from members are welcome.

Quoting one of my favourite automotive YouTubers/online personalities - "Ride safe, it's a freaking jungle out there."

Here's what GTO had to say on the matter:

In principle, I would say yes and had even started a thread on this topic - link. Forget expressways, motorcyclists aren't even allowed on the Bandra-Worli Sealink, JJ Flyover, Eastern Freeway etc.

However, it's impossible to execute what is being proposed for bigger 2-wheelers alone. Reasons:

  1. There will be a huge outcry over "rich" riders being favoured over the less-affluent ones. No politician will come near this with a barge pole.
  2. The number of big bikes in India is too minuscule to matter.
  3. The police have better things to do than segregate motorcycles on expressways. Sometimes, a black-and-white rule is better than creating grey areas.

Here's what BHPian warrioraks had to say on the matter:

I think this has little to do with the power figures of a vehicle and is more of a mindset problem. In our country, 2-wheelers are considered second-class citizens on the road. They are either seen as poor man’s choice of transport or hooligans (Dhoom Machale crowd).

Even on the forum, there was a thread talking about anecdotal evidence of 2 wheelers being stopped more often for checking by cops vs 4 wheelers. There was another one which spoke about two-wheeler-related parking challenges at posh properties and hotels.

So on paper, the issue highlighted here appears really unfortunate and sad. Especially when the humble Splendours and Activas of the world are very much capable of maintaining our average highway speeds. Just take it as another form of discriminatory treatment. Till the time someone wakes and amends the legislature, we just have to manage.

Now the good part - Practically the enforcement of this rule is hardly seen. At least that has been my experience in the Northern part of the country. In fact, there was a news article a few years back where Delhi and Haryana police refused to enforce this rule on NH8 (Delhi-Jaipur highway) because even they found it illogical. So overall this is one of those legacy things which seem to be non-existent in real life.

Coming to the best part - As a 2-wheeler rider, we don’t have to stand in long queues at the toll plaza, nor have to pay tolls. We can breeze through the side lanes which is a good privilege to have even if it comes at cost of being looked at as cattle class on the tarmac

Here's what BHPian Added_flavor had to say on the matter:

Wrong question to ask in a predominantly 4-wheeler forum. Only big bike owners hauling multiple-day luggage know the pain of navigating in city traffic or densely populated highways, while they witness rickety old Altos and Indicas that can't cross 60 km/h take the expressways.

In addition, what's more, irritating is the fact that rules are not made based on logic, but are knee-jerk reactions to incidents. Take the example of Hyderabad ORR. Access to two-wheelers was banned only after a famous cricketer's son died in an accident there! Going by the same logic, will they ban luxury cars because a famous businessman died in an accident in one recently?

This Country desperately needs power-output-based classification both for the 2W licensing system as well as for selective access to expressways. Commuter bikes and lifestyle motorcycles cannot be classified under the same bracket.

Here's what BHPian RedTerrano had to say on the matter:

Expressways, by definition, are access controlled, as per standards set by the Indian Roads Congress and Bureau of Indian Standards, for the safety of two-wheelers and other users.

Here is GOI's official take on this:

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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