
My Suzuki Hayabusa fitted with Vredestein tyres: Impressions

The initial ride back home after fitting the tyres was promising but that was in city limits and barely touching the Busa’s capabilities.

BHPian SnS_12 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

With the OE tyres, I had a certain bit of loss of confidence in the last few years while taking high-speed corners and I used to be on the cautious side generally because of the road/surface conditions we encounter and not necessarily due to how the tyres performed. With the new tyres on I went in for a 200+ km round trip ride and I had a mental block of not trusting the tyres as I had no idea what to expect and how will they perform. The initial ride back home after fitting the tyres was promising but that was in city limits and barely touching the Busa’s capabilities. Also, as these are new tyres the ride was for bedding in the rubber and trying to understand how they perform. As the km started pilling up I felt more and more comfortable with the feedback and grip levels and was pushing them slightly harder the next time around where the road and conditions allowed me to. On my return journey, I started pushing the tyres with a hard second, third gear acceleration and never had an instance where the rear lost traction given the torque shock the busa generates. The icing on the cake was when I approached my favourite left-hander which is a high-speed corner followed by a straight line section and the exit speed I achieved plastered a smile across my face and I really felt proud that I could do this on tyres Made-In-India.

A set of Vredestein cost me Rs 26.5k and with fitting, balancing and valve stem the total damages stood at 29,686. Spending 20k more for tyres make no more sense to me when these tyres suit my riding style (road grip while riding and braking) on the street and I have no lack of confidence over the previous set, which was a concern I had initially. I shall keep the thread updated on how they perform as the km pile on and hopefully I can get out descent life (km wise) from them.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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