
My S-cross 1.6 goes in for 1,40,000 km service: My experience

The pulley connected to the alternator gave up and fell on to the engine guard. The battery light started flashing and the AC gave up almost immediately.

BHPian arvind71181 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Finished with the 1,40,000 service at the 1,41,000 mark a couple of weeks back

Included wheel balancing, alignment, interior cleaning apart from the usual (engine oil, air filter etc.)

Immediately post getting delivery of the vehicle, when dropping my brother to the airport, the pulley connected to the alternator gave up and fell on to the engine guard. The battery light started flashing and the AC gave up almost immediately.

Luckily, the place where it gave up was right next to a garage which specialized in electrical repair for vehicles. The person told me that the pulley thread has completely gone. He tried to get a new OEM pulley but he was not able to so he did a jugaad with another pulley of the same size and told me it would work well. He advised me though that since the vehicle has run these many kilometres, it would be good to take this opportunity to get a new alternator

Thanked him for his quick help and as a next stop went to the service centre where they have told that the pulley does not come as an individual part. We have to order the alternator and the pulley as they both come together. Have placed and order for the same and as it is for this vehicle, prepared to wait as well

But, all this happened right before I was due to leave for a vacation. So crossing all my fingers, I went for the trip Chennai-Bangalore-Hampi-Bangalore-Chennai and the vehicle performed without any issues. Of course, I did ask the service guys about the replaced pulley and they said it should probably work well, but were non committal without doing a complete check

Added a new dual channel dash cam as well from Qubo. It's working well however the front cam keeps falling off, the sticker is not strong enough. Is there anything strong that is recommended for these cameras? Need a sticker as provision is there only for that. Any help would be appreciated.

ODO stands at 1,43,7XX km. More updates as they happen!

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