
My learnings after witnessing a road rage incident

If an aggressive driver starts following you, DON'T go home. Call the police or drive to the nearest police station.

BHPian Small Bot recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

What I’ve learnt in the last few years of (probably too much) driving in two metros, and specifically on road ragers:

  • Avoid or take a detour around mad motorists, if possible. Nobody has time for that negative energy.
  • Don't feed the trolls. If you try to speed up to pass an angry driver or prevent them from merging in your lane, it only makes things worse and can put your life in danger. Let them pass and leave plenty of room between you and that person.
  • If an angry driver gives you the finger or makes another obscene gesture or uses offensive language, be the adult here and ignore it. Responding to such gestures have gotten people physically attacked many times. Um, no thanks. If required, crank up the volume of your favourite music a bit so that your ears stay clean.
  • Honk that horn only if you really have to for defensive driving purposes, like if a driver is merging into your lane or coming perpendicular to you or backing into you and doesn't appear to see you. Don't use your horn if you're simply annoyed because you're sitting in traffic. We're all in the same boat (read car). Honking your horn is meant to be used to alert other drivers, not to scold them. Take the high road, engage in polite driving. And please, please don’t lie down on top of the horn and create noise pollution. It helps nobody, least of all yourself.
  • If you see a driver with road rage get into an auto accident, be cautious about approaching the vehicle and driver. Aggressive drivers can be unpredictable and it's important to keep yourself safe. Report the incident and stay away, if possible.
  • If an aggressive driver starts following you, DON'T go home. Call the police or drive to the nearest police station. You don't want to become the victim of a road rage attack.
  • And most importantly, it’s not your job to be the moral compass of society. Nobody needs you to teach a lesson to anybody. Your job is to go home safe to your family and that is it. Don't engage!

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