
Enthusiasts reveal what they think is the most serious traffic offense

I have a feeling that Driving whilst Intoxicated is going to take the cake.

BHPian Ruskinash recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Which according to you is the Most Serious Traffic Offence (MOSTO)?

For me, driving on the wrong side of the road is the biggest issue. It has become a major nuisance where I live. Imagine private buses and trucks speeding down the wrong side—it happens every day and has become normalized.
This behaviour leads to numerous indirect accidents. Picture someone speeding on the wrong side, forcing motorists in the left-most lane to suddenly swerve out of the way, only to collide with someone overtaking them at that moment. Our country loves shortcuts!

What's worse? I also find vehicles belonging to the traffic police driving on the wrong side! Traffic police driving on the wrong side in an emergency I understand, but not because the U-turn is a few hundred metres away.

I think most do not understand the gravity of this situation. A quick lookup at the fines for this offence was a paltry Rs.500/-.

What according to you is the Most Serious Traffic Offence (MOSTO)?

P.S. I have a feeling that Driving whilst Intoxicated is going to take the cake. I also understand that most offences are dangerous, but if you were to pick just one, besides DUI, what would it be?

Here's what GTO had to say on the matter:

Exhibit A:


  • Driving so pissed drunk that he "doesn't remember" anything from that night
  • Unregistered car
  • Guessing it had no valid insurance either, since the temp registration had expired
  • Speeding not on an expressway, but on a narrow road full of people
  • 600 BHP in the hands of an underage driver
  • Trying all sorts of fraud to get away with murder

Here's what BHPian am1m had to say on the matter:

  1. Drunk driving/riding.
  2. Not stopping for a red light.
  3. Driving/riding on the wrong side of the road.
  4. Riding/driving on the footpath, even to park.

For all of these, the cops should instantly seize the vehicle. In the case of 1 and 3 (since overshooting a red light can happen unintentionally too), at least a couple of hours in lock-up at the nearest police station! (One can only dream...)

Here's what BHPian Roadie09 had to say on the matter:

Nothing more serious than drunk driving. It's got everything wrong:

  • High speeds usually
  • Low reaction time
  • Poor situational awareness
  • Lack of control - physical as well as emotional
  • Unaware and innocent road users at risk

It's like handing a weapon over to a mentally unstable person.

Here's what BHPian Axe77 had to say on the matter:

  1. DUI (alcohol, substance etc).
  2. Wrong side driving & jumping red light.
  3. Cell phone usage, specially texting.
  4. Excessive over-speeding. (I'm not talking of higher than speed limit per se).
  5. Lane indiscipline / aggressive lane cutting.

Here's what BHPian Veyron_Head had to say on the matter:

Driving on the wrong side of the road is to me the biggest. Within the city its still manageable, but when you encounter these idiots on a large highway coming towards you on a small scooter without helmet, that too on the right side of the road when you are doing 100 KMPH, it is a heart in the mouth moment. I have seen dime a dozen of these low-lives on the bangalore -chennai and bangalore- karur route.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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