
My car's HSRP plates get washed away in floods: How to get new plates?

I am also paranoid about it being misused by someone.

BHPian mgastor2022grey recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hey guys, hope everyone is in good health.

In the floods of Chennai 2023, I lost both my HSRP plates in my car. I have no idea where the plates are now.

I am also paranoid about it being misused by someone.

I am also looking to change the plate to something cool.

The car in question is an MG Astor.

Just a question: I have seen many other car number plates (the ones with black cases) missing. Is it a group that is doing this?

Your help is needed! Thanks in advance

Here's what BHPian shankar.balan had to say on the matter:

These HSRP plates are actually meant to be riveted to the bumper plate holder area. But riveting is not always cosmetically or aesthetically pleasing and hence a lot of people tend to just fasten them by mounting a black bracket on the bumpers. If this is the case in your car, then I am not surprised that the plates have vanished. They must simply have floated away considering the intensity of the flood waters.

The only recourse you have now (as I understand it from various people in Bangalore) is to file an FIR about the loss of the plates and then apply for a fresh set of plates along with their attendant windshield sticker. Once these replacements are received I think it is better that you mount them on the car by riveting them on as per the statutorily prescribed requirement.

Here's what BHPian AutoNoob had to say on the matter:

Been there, done that. A few years back, I too faced the same situation when driving a vehicle on a waterlogged road. The HSRPs were properly riveted, but the metal brackets on the front plastic bumper (on which the rivets get fastened) broke off tearing the mounting area. I realized the same after reaching the destination.

Took the serial number of HSRP from the windshield sticker. Filed a 'Lost Property' FIR online and mentioned the approximate time and place along with the vehicle registration number and the serial number of the lost plate.

Applied online for a new set of HSRPs and stickers. Had to replace the front bumper sub-assy part to mount the new plate. For the rear, old rivets were drilled out, a new plate was installed. The old RR plate was cut into small pieces (almost shredded), ensuring to cut out the serial number and then disposed of by spreading pieces in a road construction landfill. My better half said that I was acting paranoid. Was I ??

Here's what BHPian sarathlal had to say on the matter:

I had lost the riveted number plate while navigating the pool of waterlogged on the main road. The water was not very high, nor did the small waves, other vehicles were making appear to have the power to make such an impact, but such is the force of water.

Long story short, riveted number plates do get lost easily in this fashion if we are not lucky.

What you need to do is the following:

  1. Submit a lost number plate request to your nearest police station. You can write down the request on plain paper and submit it to the police station.
  2. Mention the purpose clearly that such a report receipt is required by the dealer to raise a replacement plate request.
  3. The police officer will provide you with a receipt of your complaint.
  4. In the receipt, request them to mention your vehicle number.
  5. Goto the dealer and give them this receipt. (No need for FIR)
  6. The dealer will raise the replacement plate request. They will need a copy of the above receipt, your RC and a photo of the HSRP sticker that is stuck on your front windshield. Ensure that the serial number of the lost plate is visible.
  7. Once the replacement plate reaches your dealer, they will call you in to bring in the vehicle and they will fit it for you.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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