The Mumbai police force has got itself a fleet of Maruti Suzuki Ertiga MPVs. These will be used by the "Women Safety Patrol" teams of the department. Each area of Mumbai has been assigned one of these vehicles.
The Ertigas are in the LXi trim level. They wear the Mumbai Police livery and are equipped with blue lights on the roof, sirens and a global positioning system. When the control room receives a complaint, the nearest vehicle will reach the crime spot. Over the coming days, a mobile phone app will allow women in distress to get in touch with the vehicles directly.
The Ertiga LXi is powered by a 1.4-litre, 4-cylinder petrol engine mated to a 5-speed manual transmission. It develops 91 BHP @ 6,000 rpm and 130 Nm of torque @ 4,000 rpm. The car gets a driver airbags as standard.
Source: NDTV
Images: Motorbeam