
Lower demand for diesel fuel in India

According to a media report, the demand for diesel in India is falling. Some of the reasons for this include passenger car buyers' preference for petrol vehicles, increased efficiency of trucks and solar powered pumps replacing diesel-powered units.

Additionally, due to the extended monsoon in 2019, rural demand was also very low. Flooding also restricted mining, construction and freight movement across India. Industrial output has also fallen at the fastest pace in more than 6 years, leading to lesser demand for power, which is directly proportional to consumption of the fuel. In terms of freight movements, the new GST laws have also allowed 10-15% higher loads thereby reducing the fuel needed for transport.

Diesel accounts for 40% of the total fuel refined in India. To tackle this slowdown, oil companies are increasing exports. The state owned firms - IOCL, BPCL and HPCL, are also planning to convert some of the excess diesel capacity to petrochemical production.


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