
Karnataka starts issuing BH series registrations

Only Union government employees like IAS, IPS, IFS officers and senior bank officials can apply for the BH series in Karnataka.

The state of Karnataka has finally started issuing Bharat (BH) series registration plates for new vehicles.


Transport Commissioner N Shivakumar has confirmed that RTOs have started issuing BH series registrations. However, it is not being issued to private employees. For now, only Union government employees like IAS, IPS, IFS officers and senior bank officials can apply for the BH series.


The BH Series facilitates the free movement of vehicles between states. Road tax is levied for 2 years or in multiples of two. After completion of the 14th year, the road tax will be levied annually and it will be half of the amount which was charged earlier for that vehicle.


BH series registrations have already rolled out in Delhi, Rajasthan, Orissa, Mizoram, Maharashtra, Goa, Chandigarh and Pondicherry.


Source: ETAuto

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