BHPian shankar.balan recently shared this with other enthusiasts:
Angry people everywhere and always in a hurry, all the time in Bangalore.
Went to fill petrol in the Jimny on my way home. I was in queue. A normal commuter motorcyclist cut in rapidly from the left, barged in immediately in front of me and jumped the queue. Obviously I could not then move forward in order to allow the nozzle to reach my tank.
I wanted Power Petrol. He was filling regular petrol. But the pumps are such that there is hardly any space to maneuver. I blipped the horn at him, asking him to move forward a bit so that I could also fill. All the petrol pump chaps saw this whole thing. But all of them are ‘non-locals’ and hence were keeping quiet.
Of course, the Great Exalted Lord Emperor of the Local Kingdom, on his two-wheeled Chariot/Motorbike had to raise his Lordly voice and being His Important Imperial Majesty, had to get aggressive with me in the local language.
All I did then, was to deliberately and unhurriedly get out of my vehicle and go upto him and speak to him in a medium voice, in the local lingo, plus 2 other Southern languages, plus one Northern Language, plus in this International language in which I am typing.
His Exalted Lordship subsided, nay, he literally wilted and kept shut and sheepishly moved forward to let me park and fill.
I think he did realise somewhere deep down that he was in the wrong here. And I think that my ‘reading him from the book’ (figuratively speaking) as those Louis L’Amour Western characters used to do, made him see the error of his ways.
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