
Ford to carry out Share-Car experiment in India

American carmaker Ford has announced a Smart Mobility plan to use innovation to enhance connectivity, mobility, customer experience and development of autonomous vehicles. The company has also announced 25 mobility experiments which it will carry out around the world this year. Eight of these experiments will be conducted in North America, nine in Europe and Africa, seven in Asia and one in South America. With them, Ford aims to test transportation ideas for creating better customer experiences, more flexible user models and social collaboration that can reward customers.

Among the mobility experiments is a Share-Car project, which will be carried out in India. Ford is believed to be working with Zoomcar, the self-drive car rental company, in the city of Bangalore to test this concept. Ford claims the concept will allow small groups, such as co-workers, apartment dwellers and families to share a vehicle. With this experiment, Ford aims at helping consumers who cannot afford a car but want to own one. The company's researchers are planning to develop a model for managing vehicle ownership and scheduling.

Ford plans to address four problems which are challenging today's transportation model and limiting personal mobility, especially in urban areas. These problems include explosive population growth, expanding middle class, air quality and public health concerns, and changing customer attitudes and priorities. With the findings from the experiments, the company plans to create a new model of transportation and mobility.

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