
Exploring Nilgiris in my Hyundai Kona EV

The Hyundai Kona stays planted on curves and the phenomenally blistering power when overtaking, is addictive. Suffice it to say that I ‘used’ my vehicle to the hilt and loved every moment

BHPian shankar.balan recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

On this visit to Ooty, after charging the vehicle back to 100%, I covered about 70kms on day 1 (local loafing to Aruvankadu and Wellington and Kotagiri and the Doddabetta stretch back up etc) and another 80kms on day 2 (more local loafing - to Emerald and Avalanche and back to Edakadu and Gandhipettai and Manjoor and Chamaraj and so on, returning to Ooty).

Wonderful twisty roads and ups and downs with the regen settings on Zero.

Having a lot of fun actively working the paddles, to slow down on the downhill stretches and curves and hairpin bends and on zero when accelerating.

Used the vehicle throughout on eco mode with the AC on and the windows down for significant periods so as to enjoy the hill country air redolent with the scent of eucalyptus and pine - with plenty of photography stops.

After all, this was a leisure trip, and I actively kept it completely free from the subtle tyranny of ‘agenda driven activity!

While this is an EV, the joy of driving and the principles of the angles of attack on the banked curves, remain the same and the sheer exhilaration of acceleration on the lovely uphill stretches, makes for a feeling of freedom like no other.

The Kona stays planted on these curves and the phenomenally blistering power when overtaking, is addictive.

Suffice it to say that I ‘used’ my vehicle to the hilt and loved every moment.

At the end of all the loafing - around 150kms local use, the vehicle had drunk up 53% of charge while having done ~ 150kms.

I really think that’s fine and with this, the third medium-long distance trip in my EV, I have decided that I will continue to use my EV just like I do my normal ICE vehicles and attempt to banish the demon of range anxiety, forever from my head.

I charged the car to 100% for the 300kms drive down the hills to Mysore and beyond, to Bangalore. While I believe I will enjoy some regen on the way down, I really don’t think I will be doing any ‘babying’ of the car, so will definitely stop and do a 20-30 min top up at Shell before getting on the Expressway for the last bit of the journey later today.

For now, enjoy a few photos.

Lovedale Tunnel - our own Hogwarts Express.

Lovely landscapes somewhere near Wellington

On the high road

Emerald Lake and Dam….there’s a big hydel project happening and the water release is choked off which is why the level is so low (a local bloke told me.)

Avalanche Ranges

Beautiful Tea-scapes

On the road

Big Brother Browsing Bison

The long and winding road

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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