
Cycling enthusiasts share their cycling goals for 2024

Another goal for me is to do more rides with my kids as well as friends.

BHPian amitoj recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Dear fellow cyclists,

It is that time of the year for me, as well as for most of you I am sure, where we look back at the year, soak in our achievements and start dreaming about what limits we will cross next year. So, let's share what were our most memorable cycling moments for 2023 and what are our goals and ambitions for 2024.

I'll start. For me, the highlight of 2023 was my bicycle tour of Utah. I have all the details in this thread so I will not bore you with repetition:

Utah Cycling Tour (Bicycle Tour of Utah | 8 days, 350+ miles & 21,000 feet of climbing)

The very next month I had a crash that derailed my plans for rest of the year but instead of regretting the time lost in recovery, and the pain and anguish it caused to my family, I am thankful that I am still here and able to ride a bike.

And maybe because of the accident, I have shifted my goals for 2024. While I will still participate in randonneuring rides, I am also planning to participate in more organized events. The 2 that I have in my sights are:

  • BUMP Series: BUMPS is short for Bike Up the Mountain Points Series and is local to the northeast region where you ride your bike up some iconic mountains. BUMPS
  • Gran Fondos: These are rides that have timed sections. They are held all over the country, usually in locations that support cycling. I am planning to combine these with short family vacation trips. Gran Fondo National Series
  • More family and friends rides: Another goal for me is to do more rides with my kids as well as friends. My kids are at a stage where I can put them through some tough rides to help build character

With that, I now welcome you all to share your thoughts and plans!



Here's what BHPian4184 had to say on the matter:

I am about to fall short of 10k kms for 2023 by about 600 kms give or take a few. So for 2024, 10k is my goal. Not much but its a personal barrier I would like to cross!

Secondly a 100km ride every month. I did that this year and it feels great but for 2024 I am targeting a sub 3.5 hour century during summer months.

And then the usual, build more bikes! But that is probably not a healthy goal, certainly not for the wallet

Here's what BHPian aneezan had to say on the matter:

I just about managed to cross 5000km during 2023, almost the same as 2022. Far cry from consecutive 10,000km plus in 2020 and 2021 while in India.

Really want get back to 10k+ for 2024. That's the main target.

I have some bigger rides(300-400km) planned during spring and summer '24. Hopefully these work-out. One that I am looking forward to is a ride through the Netherlands from the South to the North.

Getting more people in the community into riding. While its second nature for the Dutch, our local Indian community isn't too enthusiastic about it. We organised a challenge(600km) in October and there were some active participants. I and a friend are preparing to expand and have a registered club and get more people to ride.

Finally, though not too keen, thinking of registering with the Randonneuring NL club.

Here's what BHPian Porschefire had to say on the matter:

I bought my Trek Domane AL2 back in December 2022 with the hope that 2023 will be the year where I adopt cycling as part of my daily routine and 2024 onwards, set personal milestones. I did start well, covering about 500kms during March-April. Alas, a series of circumstances + poor health derailed the entire plan. The bike lies idle in my hallway and it saddens me every time I go past it.

My primary goal for 2024 is better health and fitness. I expect cycling to be the major contributor, hence, I'd like to pursue my 2023 goal along with a challenging milestone of 5000kms. 5000kms may not seem much to most people but it is quite an uphill task for me and, I'd rather overestimate and achieve 70-80% of the goal rather than play it safe.

Here's what BHPian unni246 had to say on the matter:

Great thread for the Year end Amitoj

Your Utah trip was a great inspiration for me, wish some day I could try the terrains and specially be part of some great rides outside the country.

I've been an avid cyclist since 2020 post Covid era much like the general mass out there. Though I used to cycle for fun since 2010, it became more serious and inspiring with many friends and ofcourse STRAVA.

I would say Strava had a great role in motivating me with different goals and tracking my activities.

Much like 2021 & 2022, 2023 too was a great Cycling year for me. I had an initial target of 12K kms this year (1K each month). However with 7K+ kms just by June I got greedy for a 15K milestone. But that gradually went off road with family commitments and finally a fall in November. I lost my 1K target for November too with that.

Luckily I will have atleast 13K+ kms by end of this year, which should still be above the aimed target figures

Also Happy that I clocked my milestone figure of 40K kms on Strava this year.

So 2024 plans would definitely be to achieve 50K kms and additionally I wish to concentrate more on Running next year with atleast an attempt to do a Half Marathon.

Cycling had definitely bettered my lungs too and me who had never even run more than 250m pre-Covid can now easily do 10K runs.

Cycles, Long tours, Cycling clubs ..etc are my recent passions alongside TeamBhp, Cars and Bikes !

Attaching my proud moments from 2023:

Also attaching my Strava profile so that like minded BHPians could follow and I could follow back too.

Wish we could think of a different kind of catch-up a TeamBHP Cycling Meet @Bangalore and ofcourse at all Metros starting 2024 - a totally Green Meet burning your fat and not fuel !

Here's what BHPian vb-saan had to say on the matter:

To get back on the bike in 2024. Post-COVID normalization, bike rides gradually reduced and got to a standstill towards latter part of 2022 (and eventually sold off the last bike in the household). Looking forward to get a bike again and start riding sometime next year.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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