
Bengaluru & Pune among world's top-10 slowest cities to drive in 2023

Other Indian cities included Delhi and Mumbai, positioned in 44th & 54th place, respectively.

According to a report by TomTom, an Amsterdam-based location technology specialist, London was the 'slowest city to drive through' in the world in 2023. Drivers in the UK capital had an average speed of just 14 km/h in rush hour.

The result is from the latest TomTom Traffic Index 2023. The study evaluated 387 cities across 55 countries and six continents, taking into account average travel time, fuel costs and CO2 emissions. The result is also based on data from over 600 million in-car navigation systems and smartphones. As part of the study, TomTom calculated the average travel time per kilometre based on the millions of kilometres driven across the entirety of 2023.

The results showed that drivers in London, UK, spent an average time of 37 minutes and 20 seconds to cover 10 km. Second on the list was Dublin (Ireland), with Toronto (Canada) completing the top 3.

Two Indian cities were among the top 10, with Bengaluru coming in as the 6th slowest city to drive through in the world, followed closely by Pune in 7th position. Drivers in Bengaluru had an average travel time of 28 minutes and 10 seconds to cover 10 km, with an average speed of 18 km/h in rush hour. Similarly, Pune drivers had an average time of 27 minutes and 50 seconds to cover 10 km, with 19 km/h average speed in rush hour.

Other Indian cities included Delhi and Mumbai, positioned in 44th & 54th place, respectively. Delhi had an average 10 km travel time of 21 min 40 seconds, while Mumbai's average travel time was 21 min 20 sec for the same 10 km distance.

Source: TomTom

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