
50,000 km update of my BMW 328i

The regular availability of 95 Octane just made things that much more fizzy and enjoyable, especially after doing up the exhaust.

BHPian iliketurtles recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

The past two to three years have been hard for us all. But think, if you will for a moment, about our loyal rides just sitting around at the start of this cussed thing, wondering where the hell we disappeared off to, and if we'd ever return.

Meanwhile, we were sitting around bored at home, with the passage of time seeing the months and kilos pile up, all without stepping out of the house for a drive.

I was so bored that I ate everything there was in the fridge (even the lauki), I finally learnt to play the guitar (I'm proud to say I've forgotten all I've learnt), and I even dusted off the chess set before swiftly putting it away after remembering what caused it to gather so much dust in the first place.

Throughout this time, one bug continued to wheedle its way through me: the travel bug. But with airlines grounded even after the sufficient passage of time, the only way to get around was on a four-legged chariot, not that I'm complaining.

And so, time-consuming though it may be, we set out on jaunts every now and then, racking up the kilometres with a vengeance to make up for a lost time, and then some.

You might imagine she's not exactly a grand tourer in her low, not-so-slow avatar, and you'd be right to assume so. But, besides slowing down for bad roads, and slowing down for speed breakers larger than the Great Wall of China, and slowing down to ensure its chin doesn't scrape much anywhere, she's been an absolute peach. We did a few recent sorties to Pune and beyond, and to Goa, without any issue. And the regular availability of 95 Octane just made things that much more fizzy and enjoyable, especially after doing up the exhaust.

Bugbears and niggles? I have a few; that O2 sensor still hasn't arrived in stock, so I stare at a check engine light on account of it. There are a few rattles that have crept in, that I need to iron out. And the front bumper needs a bit of spit and polish to wipe out the few battle scars it has picked up. But all in all, I think I've drawn the short straw with this one.

How much longer will I keep her? Your guess is as good as mine, and I'm not exactly ready to put her out to pasture as yet. But for now, let me just enjoy the ride, and chase legal highs and sunsets aplenty in whatever time we have left together.

Until next time, amigos. Cheerio.

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