
20 Mahindra XUV300s on a road trip from Bangalore to Wayanad and back

We faced heavy rain while returning. Visibility was low, the roads were slippery and we were navigating carefully through the challenging conditions.

BHPian Rekjavik recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

With every drive, the bond between us and our XUV300 strengthens. With every drive, the camaraderie among fellow riders deepens. It's this unspoken connection that drives us to hit the road again and again, seeking new adventures and creating memories that last a lifetime.

Prelude: A Year Ago

Last year, a few fellow XUV300 enthusiasts organized a delightful drive from Bangalore to Mysore. It was a day trip, a journey filled with laughter, scenic views, and newfound friendships. As enjoyable as it was, it left us with a sense of yearning—a thirst for a grander, longer expedition. And so, the planning began for a more extended adventure, one that would allow us to indulge in our passion for driving.

The Grand Plan

The previous drive felt too short, leaving us craving more time to explore the full potential of our XUV300s. We unanimously decided on a longer trip, aiming for a destination at least four hours away. The search for a suitable resort within 250 km of Bangalore began. After considering several options, we zeroed in on Hotel Mount Avenue in Ambalavayal, Wayanad. The resort promised ample parking space and comfortable rooms, perfect for our group of twenty cars.

We floated a form to get initial interest and got a lot of positive responses! And thus the plan was on.

Preparations and Excitement

Once the hotel was confirmed, we collected Rs. 1000 as an advance from each participant to secure the booking. By March, we had a confirmed list of around twenty enthusiasts. The core team created a WhatsApp group and began charting the itinerary, ensuring every detail was meticulously planned.

Our starting point was set at Kaniminike Toll Plaza, allowing participants from all corners of Bangalore to converge conveniently. The itinerary was packed with activities, ensuring we maximized our time on the road and enjoyed every moment together.

The Itinerary

The core team members got into a WhatsApp group and came up with a tentative itinerary.

18th May

  • 6:30 am - Assemble at Blore-Mysore expressway toll plaza. (Kaniminike Toll Plaza)
  • 7 am - Drive flag off
  • 9 am - Breakfast at Ruchi garden
  • 1pm - Reach the resort and have lunch
  • 3 pm - Car formations and photo session
  • 4:30 pm - Tea break
  • 5:30 pm - Xcape activities
  • 8:30pm - Dinner
  • 9 pm - Campfire
  • 10:30 - Good night

19th May

  • 8 am - Breakfast
  • 9:30 - Group photo and vacate.
  • 10 am - Drive to Karapuzha Dam Adventure Park
  • Lunch and return (individual)

The idea was to drive maximum time and have as much fun as possible together.

The D-Day: Setting Off

In the days leading up to the trip, our WhatsApp group buzzed with excitement. Discussions ranged from XUV300 spy shots and reviews to logistical details. The day before the trip, we meticulously washed our cars, despite the forecasted rain.

My family and I woke up at 4:30 AM to ensure we reached the starting point on time. However, Bangalore's notorious traffic meant we arrived last, around 7:00 AM. By then, seventeen cars were already in line, with a few more joining us from Mandya, Mysore, and Kerala. Despite the delay, our spirits were high as we embarked on our journey at 7:30 AM.

I will let the pictures do the talking.

And thus we started though a bit late at 7.30 Am but nevertheless full of josh and full of anticipation for the drive.

On the Road: Bangalore to Mysore

The Bangalore-Mysore highway, a six-lane marvel, was bustling with traffic. Maintaining a convoy on such a crowded road proved challenging. We tried to stick together, allowing those interested in photography to break formation briefly before rejoining. Despite the traffic, we made good time and reached our first pitstop, Ruchi Garden, for breakfast.

Parking all fifteen-plus cars was tricky, but we managed. The aroma of idli, dosa, and coffee filled the air as we quickly devoured our breakfast, eager to hit the road again.

Into the Wild: Bandipur Forest Reserve

Leaving Ruchi Garden, the road narrowed but remained smooth. We soon reached the Bandipur Forest checkpost, where a long queue awaited us. Our WhatsApp group remained active with updates and instructions, ensuring no one was left behind. The live location feature proved invaluable in keeping our convoy together.

Driving through Bandipur Forest was a treat. The dense, lush greenery enveloped us, creating a serene backdrop for our journey. (No pictures of Bandipur part as stopping and photography was strictly prohibited inside the reserve). Crossing into Kerala, we focused on reaching our destination—Hotel Mount Avenue.

Arrival: Hotel Mount Avenue, Wayanad

By the time we reached the hotel, it was nearly afternoon, and we were famished. The hotel's spacious parking lot accommodated our cars comfortably. Before checking in, we headed straight to the restaurant for a sumptuous Kerala-style meal.

There were few other cars in the hotel but the limelight was on XUV300.

Soon everyone checked in and then within half an hour, all riders assembled back to park cars in a formation. It started raining heavily by this time. Even in the rain, the members were dedicated to ensure the cars were parked to perfection. And after back and forth for 45 minutes the results were truly beautiful.

Despite the heavy rain, our dedication shone through as we meticulously arranged the cars, resulting in stunning photographs.

Evening Programs

Soon it was time for tea and we had planned some programs for everyone. There was an introduction of all members, likes and dislikes of XUV300, games for toddlers, kids and adults and then dinner thereafter. I will let pictures do the talking.


Meeting new friends and family. A lot of fun and laughter

And the customary group pic before departing for dinner.

The dinner was followed by campfire. As all of us were dancing and enjoying, there aren’t many photos. Sometimes I do feel the best enjoyed moments are those where we are creating the memory and not busy clicking photos to be never seen later.

By this time everyone was exhausted, and we retired to our rooms.

Day 2

The next day, the plan was to go to Karapuzha dam adventure park and then from there depart back to Blore. Once everyone was ready, we set our course to Karapuzha.

Karaphuzha Dam

The Karapuzha dam is 6 km from the hotel and we reached there in no time. The parking proved to be a bit tricky as it was crowded and the only empty plot available was slush with mud. But with so many of us together, we decided to explore the ruggedness of the XUV300 a bit and parked in the slush. Don’t have any photos of this but it was a bit scary for me.

The dam adventure park has a lot of rides and each of us went our own way to explore.

It was getting hot and humid and many of us decided to head back to Blore given any delay would make the ride back land us right in the rush hour traffic.

With that, we parted ways with the group and headed back to Bangalore, but the rain gods had a different plan.

The Rainy Return: A Test of Endurance

The return journey was marked by heavy rain. Starting from Bandipur Forest, the downpour continued through Mysore and the highway to Bangalore. Visibility was low, and the roads were slippery. The convoy slowed down, navigating carefully through the challenging conditions. Our WhatsApp group buzzed with updates, ensuring everyone stayed safe and informed.

Despite the rain, our spirits remained high. The challenges only added to the adventure, making the trip even more memorable. By the time we reached Bangalore, we were tired but happy, our hearts full of memories.

Reflections and Farewells

As we parted ways, there was a unanimous sense of accomplishment. We faced challenges, enjoyed scenic drives, and strengthened our bonds. The trip was more than just a drive; it was a celebration of our love for the XUV300 and the friendships we had formed.

The desire to keep driving, exploring, and making memories was stronger than ever. Each journey brought new adventures and deepened our connections. As we looked forward to the next meetup, we knew one thing for sure—our love for driving would keep us united.

As we concluded our trip, the desire to keep driving, exploring, and making memories burned brightly.

Each journey brings new adventures and strengthens the connections we cherish.

Until the next meetup, happy driving!

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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