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  • A day at Norton Motorcycles

    I have been on a few factory tours and in terms of a manufacturing unit it's small, the facility is pristine and looks well organized (has to be, TVS knows a thing or two about running a factory),…
  • Guwahati->Spiti in a Nissan Kicks

    Guwahati > Darbhanga > Varanasi > Lucknow > Agra > Delhi > Narkanda > Kalpa > Nako > Tabo > Kaza > Lhanza > Komic > Hikkim > Kaza > Chitkul > Sangla > Zirakpur > Delhi > Lucknow > Darbhanga > Guwahati
  • Best location for rear AC vents?

    These days, many cars come with rear air-conditioner vents - something very essential in our hot and humid country. They help the rear passengers keep their cool particularly in the rather unbearable…
  • R1: Hunting an electrical gremlin

    During the final leg of the highway ride he had stopped for a break, until the ignition was on everything was good, but as soon as he cranked the bike the right side indicator lamp on the dashboard…
  • Would you swap your TBHP handle?

    Of course, not all of us were hasty when it came to choosing a handle. I literally spent days to come up with the right username before finally arriving at 'CentreOfGravity'. Even then, I periodically…
  • Delightful ScorpioN weekend drive

    I recently had the pleasure of taking my Scorpio-N for a weekend drive, and let me tell you, it was an absolute delight. The real magic of this vehicle truly shines on bad roads or even no roads.…
  • Tips to pass PUC after 2 failures

    Do you have any tips for passing the pollution test? My 2013 Honda Unicorn, which I use for local commutes and errands, just failed the pollution test twice. Six months ago, it passed with a CO level…
  • LED indicator swap: Strange issue

    I recently decided to switch the stock halogen indicators in my XUV300 W8(O) to an all LED setup. I ordered the necessary bulbs off of Amazon by looking at the bulb ratings given in the owner's manual…
  • On risk-assessment & accidents

    Once you know all the things that can go wrong, you can decide the barriers or alternate ways to do the same thing to reduce either the probability of something going wrong or the damage that will…
  • INT650 battery drain; useless RSA

    A month after the service, I got the check battery light on in the instrument cluster. The next day the bike refused to start and I had to call the RSA. The RSA seems to be managed by another firm…
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