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  • Drive to Sambalpur, Odisha

    We figured out that, a drive from Kolkata to Sambalpur is close to 700 odd kms which would take us roughly 16 hours. Well, driving 16 hours straight and then starting for another strenuous 16 hours…
  • A circuitous BLR-TVM drive!

    The year was 2015. We had driven down to Bangalore from Thiruvananthapuram. When it was time to return, we had three free days at hand. We decided to drive back via Mysuru and Wayanad. We had no firm…
  • Jeep Compass: Indore to Delhi

    We started from Delhi at 1PM. The moment we were to sat in our cars, it started pouring, so bad as if a cloud had burst or something. A certain part of me was connected to this Delhi home, and moving…
  • Pune to Delhi solo drive

    I wanted to share the story of a migrant, whose destiny took him to Pune to work there. Like many migrants they were visiting home town for the Holi festival when pandemic struck and lock downs happened.…
  • Kondapalli & Mulapadu Forests

    I was at Vijayawada, the city my father is currently working as a DGM at AAI. Never been to any nearby place but always heard about the place Kondapalli. Though visiting my all-time favorite Maredumilli…
  • Drive: Champaner & Pavagadh

    One fine day, I was determined to break this monotony which made me think why not to visit a place that is wide open, is kind of a tourist attraction and the isn't way to far so the exposure time…
  • Darjeeling on a motorcycle

    I dumped that old plan, briefly discussed with Dulal about traveling on a bike (His six-year-old 125cc Hero Honda Shine) instead, and set Darjeeling as our substituted destination. I was more excited…
  • Bangalore - WB in a Freestyle

    I always wanted to drive/ride down to Kolkata & COVID provided the opportunity as we had some urgent/unavoidable work in Kolkata. Flights were not an option for us as we needed a vehicle at our hometown…
  • 3 BMWs out on a fun drive

    Thus, by pure chance (and certainly not by design), this turned out to be a BMW 3-series drive! We had three 3-serieses, all three F30s, roaming around on a cloudy day, soaking in the sporadic showers,…
  • Tale of Mewar, Marwar and Amer

    Well as the title says, this Tlog is a chronological journey of our 3 road trips into The Land of Maharajas or The Land of Rajputs- Rajasthan in different timelines. Rajasthan being a neighbor state…
Driven by india