
Yamaha Aerox ownership: Latest modification made & 6 others planned

It takes away from the chunky tyre look, but that is a compromise I have to make.

BHPian quicksilver101 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

New day, a new Aerox mod.

I was getting bummed looking at how dirty the scooter gets in monsoon, on even small 2 min grocery runs. Just take the bike out, and it would look like I haven't cleaned it (especially the rear near the tyre) in ages even though it gets washed practically daily. The big culprit was Mumbai rains, of course, but also the lack of a proper mudguard/tyre hugger. It just needs a little bit of rain for the entire back section to get caked with dirt, including the KTC suspension that I would very much like to show off as much as I can

And on the days I have to be the pillion on the scooter, I would also get a little bit of dirt splash on my clothes.

Here's what the Aerox looks like normally. This was freshly washed and then taken for a grocery run when it wasn't raining.

If there was more rain, it would be significantly dirtier. I figured I would get a tyre hugger.

So I got the Yamaha "stock" tyre hugger from hypertourer. Cost ₹1900 for the part, + ₹450 shipping to Mumbai + ₹415 fitting from V Mirai (Yamaha authorized workshop) = ₹2765.

This is what it looks like after fitting:

This was after a one-hour highway run. It wasn't actively raining, but there were lots of puddles.

The tyre hugger came out fairly expensive for what it is, but now it takes a lot more to dirty the bike's rear. It also takes away from the chunky tyre look, but that is a compromise I have to make to avoid getting my clothes unnecessarily dirty from stray splashbacks.

I would consider this as an optional mod for Aerox.

Here are the changes I have made to my Aerox:

  1. KTC Racing Extreme suspensions (changing stock suspensions is highly recommended change, can choose cheaper alternatives)
  2. Stiffer side stand spring (very cheap upgrade that is highly recommended that would save you a lot of money on unnecessary panel replacements
  3. Side stand shoe (skippable, doesn't do much)
  4. Grocery hook in the front (discretionary, depending on needs)
  5. Tyre hugger (optional/discretionary)
  6. Tank pad sticker (cosmetic)
  7. Tyre rim stickers (cosmetic)

Stuff I will add over the months:

  1. Bigger disc for the front brake to improve stopping power at higher speeds
  2. A bit more comfortable seat. Not a sofa, but not this wooden plank either. Something in the middle.
  3. Handlebar ends: Damaged the earlier ones when the bike fell off the side stand. Yamaha Workshop doesn't have it in stock, so will probably get some aftermarket good ones.
  4. Underseat partitions: Helps a little with organizing
  5. Better mirrors
  6. Replacement for left side front panel and rear air filter cover: Damaged when the bike fell off the side stand. Will replace after the monsoon.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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