
Why I won't recommend buying a TVS Apache RR310 in Tier 2/3 towns

5 dealers sell and service RR310 and no one has a simple fork oil seal, 4 of them just refused to help.

BHPian Nostrings0607 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

This is purely opinion based on REAL EXPERIENCE.

So, I have owned a TVS Apache RR310 since October 2019

My experiences with the bike ALONE have been great without any complaints. it never fails to make me smile every time I take it out and in a tier 2/3 town, it will amaze you with the looks people will give her still even after so many years since it came out.

Now to address the main issue why I'm writing this thread and I'm sure most of you have guessed already it's the after-sales service.

Now I'll admit the bike isn't driven daily and in fact not much at all on any comparable standard so I've not had any major breakdown in all my years of ownership until December last week of 2023 but we'll get back on it because boy it's a story, anyway even general and regular services you could tell that TVS techs are almost going through motions and are either incapable or would not do something out the ordinary to what they were taught in workshops they don't indulge in inquisitive conversations in fact on many instances you're not even allowed in the service bay which for an offering like RR310 that is catered to enthusiasts is a no brainer but regardless of how the services were I took it.

A little background: I bought the bike in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh in 2019 from a dealership that now closed down and back in 2023 I moved back to Prayagraj erstwhile Allahabad Uttar Pradesh as it's my home town along with the bike.


So last week of December I woke up to my mother telling me that there seemed to be a leak on my bike, I pretty much guessed it would be the front USD shocks and it really sealed on the front shocks now, since it's a thing that every USD shock owner has to deal with eventually I wasn't bothered and this was the first time spare parts would be added so next day I went to a nearby TVS dealer who services and sells RR310's and we checked that the part wasn't available and that the dealer would order it for me and I could come back later whenever they call, fast forward 2024 first week I get no calls and I am caught up with work so I finally reach out to the dealer on 8 January when I get the time and they tell me that part is on order and it'll reach momentarily and they'll call me back, a week passes by no call I reach out again and the same thing that it'll take time, I then try to find out through other dealers if I can get the work done there.

So in Allahabad, 5 dealers sell and service RR310 and no one has a simple fork oil seal, 4 of these just refused to help even the one that I went to the first time around (they simply suggested checking another dealer) now no one had the part in stock and this is an oil seal mind you something that's a common point of failure and so I complained to TVS on Twitter and they reached out to me on 3 different occasions over 2 weeks and have yet to provide me with a resolution last time they reached out they said it'll take 2-3 more days and that was on 3 February and just today I got a call that you can expect the repair to be done on 13 Feb instead now. And it's just really disappointing to see that a minor oil seal failure has caused the bike to be out of service for over a month and given the trend of things it'll probably reach the two-month mark.

My point in all this is a fork oil seal is something that is bound to fail eventually no matter how well maintained you keep your bike and there's a fair number of RR310s out in Allahabad to have been stuck so long without such a common part just goes to tell you what kind of service TVS has on offer for small-town buyers.

Also, some of you might ask so I'll clear it up I didn't get it done from an FNG by sourcing the part online because I don't think it's a good idea in a town like mine to get it done from a third party.

Now to end this is there some other approach I can take to all this and what can I do to make TVS understand that this behaviour is not right? Suggestions would be welcome

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