
Video: Retractable EV chargers mounted on power poles

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It can be implemented everywhere allowing for easier access to EV charging.

A video has surfaced on the internet showcasing a very unique way of charging your electric vehicles. The video shows an EV charger mounted high on a power pole with a retractable charging cable.

The video shows how after an EV is charged, the cable after being disconnected retracts to a charger mounted high up on a power pole. This helps provide two main advantages: Firstly, it is a simple system which can be implemented everywhere allowing for easier access to EV charging.

The second is it eliminates a number of issues such as cords left on the ground, sidewalk real estate, vandalism and others. Also, since the EV charging cords are extendable, they can be plugged into any electric vehicle irrespective of where the charging port is.

Source: Jalopnik

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