
Video: Close call between a Bolero & a pedestrian in Bangalore

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Flashing of lights these days has become way too common on our roads.

BHPian paragsachania recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

The disease of flashing lights!

Encountered this moron today morning on Railway Parallel Road in Sahakarnagar, Bangalore. While the pedestrian too was very casual in the way he was crossing the road without really assessing the density of traffic in both directions, the Bolero driver was an atypical Bangalore driver diagnosed with an incurable disease of flashing lights when you don't know what else to do, including slowing down.

The Bolero driver also tries to play smart with his quick manoeuvre to exhibit condescending behaviour when he realises that I am sticking to my line rather than laying a green carpet on him. It barely misses hitting the pedestrian waiting on the median marker.

Flashing of lights these days has become way too common on our roads that at least 7 out of 10 vehicles indulge in this. You encounter them on a 2 lane road (city or highway) with tight overtaking spots or limited space to pass due to parked vehicles. I am sure all of these drivers picked up driving lessons by driving on 4-lane roads!!

Needless to say, I am not at all discussing the parents dropping their kids home on 2 wheelers in this video without helmets or even talking on the phone for that matter. This is now a norm.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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