
Travelled to Bandipur National Park in my Kia Seltos for jungle safari

One lone elephant (not a full-grown adult) had been loitering near the highway. While we were returning from our 2nd safari, this elephant was throwing tantrums and stopping cars for food.

BHPian ashis89 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

There were frequent reports of sightings at Bandipur so decided to try our luck as well. Booked two back-to-back bus safaris for yesterday.

Started around 8:30AM. Family demanded a thatte idli treat so we entered Bidadi for it. Traffic was less than normal so we reached Bandipur by 1PM. After a quick lunch at Khan Resort nearby.

We didn’t spot any cats on either of the safari. But the blooming Flame of the Forest against the dry backdrop made up for it. Spotted a herd of elephants, a few painted storks, woodpeckers, bee-eaters and sambar deers. One lone elephant (not a full-grown adult) had been loitering near the highway. While we were returning from our second safari, this elephant was throwing tantrums and stopping cars for food. It was 6:30 already and some vehicles managed to pass through, some turned back. Our bus shielded the elephant while a few vehicles managed to pass through. Looking back after we had crossed the spot, saw the elephant literally chasing vehicles as they scurried around.

Dinner break at Pujari Fish Land and I was home by 12 AM after dropping my brother and family.

Overall the traffic was less than all my recent experiences. Since I had enough buffer time I went easy with the pedal almost throughout.

Only one click of the car

Crossed 89k

Returned home and my wife asked only 1 question- how do you feel today after driving so many (~500) km? I smiled and so did she.

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