
Tesla accuses Xpeng Motors staff of self-driving tech theft

Tesla Motors has accused one of its former engineers of stealing confidential self-driving technology before taking a job with Xpeng Motors.

The complaint was filed against Cao Guangzhi, former member of Tesla’s self-driving team, in a district court in North America. It is reported that Cao uploaded more than 3,00,000 files and directories from Tesla’s source code to his personal iCloud account, before getting the official job offer from Xpeng on December 12, 2018. One of Apple’s former employees was also charged with an attempt to take sensitive information to Xpeng last year.

He Xiaopeng founded Xpeng in 2014 with funding from Alibaba Group and Foxconn Technology Group. It is not the first time that the company has hired employees from US companies. Xpeng’s principal engineer and head of AI, Husam Abu-Haimed joined in May 2018 after working with Cruise Automation, the self-driving subsidiary of General Motors, while Wu Xinzhou, the autonomous driving center head moved from Qualcomm, where he was the senior director of engineering in autonomous driving.

Source: Nikkei Asian Review

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