Suzuki has launched the Avenis in India at Rs 86,700 (ex-showroom). The new scooter falls in the 125cc segment and competes with models such as the TVS NTorq 125, Honda Grazia 125 and the recently introduced 2022 Aprilia SR 125.
The Suzuki Avenis features a sporty design. It has a sharp-looking front apron, faux vents, split-type taillamp and a single-piece headlamp. There is a small windscreen, halogen turn indicators and 3D logos.
Some of the other features of the Avenis include an external fuel filler cap, a USB charging socket, side stand interlock and a 12-inch front and 10-inch rear wheel setup. The scooter also has a fully digital instrument cluster with Bluetooth connectivity that offers turn-by-turn navigation, call and SMS alerts.
The Avenis draws power from the same 124cc, single-cylinder engine that we have seen on the Suzuki Access 125 and Burgman Street. It is a fuel-injected motor that is capable of producing 8.5 BHP and 10 Nm.
The Suzuki Avenis is available in 5 colour options that include the MotoGP edition which costs Rs 87,000 (ex-showroom).