
Software updates on my Tesla Model 3: Observation before & after

It feels like the regenerative braking is not the same anymore at city speeds and highway speeds. It took some time to get used to this.

BHPian carthick1000 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Software update - Version 2022.24.8

Got this 2 days ago. This update has an improvement to how the routes with traffic information are shown on maps. In older versions, the traffic density/slowdowns are represented alongside the route (orange lines to the side of the route in blue). But now it is shown as part of the route line. Again a minor improvement.

Observation from the previous update

After driving for about 2 weeks with the previous software update, noticed that the regenerative braking at the highest level is slightly less aggressive. This gives a good balance between slowing down on highways and one pedal driving within the city. Earlier the regenerative braking felt a bit too aggressive esp. when let go of the A-pedal at highway speeds. Now it feels more natural. It feels like the regenerative braking is not the same anymore at city speeds and highway speeds. It took some time to get used to this. This seems to be a powertrain improvement which Tesla did not mention in their previous release notes.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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